We had a wonderful Christmas. On Christmas Eve, I had Princ and Princess number one help me make 25 dozen rolls for the open house coming in a few weeks for their reception in our town. I don't think Prince number 1 had ever done much baking but after experimenting with a few different options, once we got it down, he became a pro. We got an assembly line going. It was so much quicker than with one. I spent until two a.m. the night before making several batches by myself and the kids were eating them faster than I could make them. (They did have some help from me:-)
I didn't have time to make the traditional pj's (See here for posts on those).
So, I lucked out and bought pj's and they had all the girls collectio
ns in microfleece. They loved them and they were nice and warm. I purchased myself some of those pj's that look like jeans. They were very comfy.
Of course we had to take a picture with our missionary. I sent her a pair of pj shorts and a shirt in one of three packages. I sent one for before christmas, one for Christmas day, and a third is going this week for New Years Eve. I sent all sort of fun noise makers and things for her room to celebrate. We did miss her as because she was in training and not in the country yet, we didn't get to talk with her on the phone.
She doesn't have much more time in training and will be leaving the country soon. How exciting for her. She says that the language is coming quickly and she loves it.
I am headed out to a family party for the day and need to leave so I hope you all had a
wonderful Christmas. As Prince and Princess left, each of the girls gave them both hugs. He went with us to sing at the local nursing home and they played games while I worked on photos and sewing something for him. It was good to hear my girls giggle and laugh with him. They need a good role model and I am grateful that Princess number one found such a great one!
After they left, the girls said how nice it was to have him around and thought it was cute how he opened the doors for my eldest and carried everything out to the cars and packed it all. I am grateful for having such a wonderful day.
I'm sure you'll hear more about that later..... Aren't we blessed....
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