First off, I have to say how much my girls liked the turkey soup on yesterday's post. I froze it in a gallon bag and then took it out to see how it would be for the wedding. Each girl had at least two bowls and each commented on how good it was so I think I am safe to use it for the wedding.
For today, I am just going to show you what I have been working on. I had my sister doing a program I wanted to support her in tonight and Princess number 5 danced tonight as well. Princess three and four were helping with 4-H and I spent most of the night writing and addressing our Christmas letter for the year so I could mail it with the wedding invitation and get both off my "to do" list.
With the help of my printer (it isn't always helpful) I was able to get them all printed off with color photos on cute Christmas paper. They are all stamped and ready to go. Check that off the list!
While I was printing those and composing the letter, I was also able to make photo discs of the scans I did this summer with the girls at Walmart that I posted about in the past. Here are links to the two posts on those: Scannathon times five and Scanning all photos for cheap and quickly I have 4 discs of photos scanned of my mother's life through her getting married. She has LOTS of photos but now everyone of my siblings will have all the photos in somewhat order and in an easy to use format. With the help of my computer (it doesn't always want to be helpful either) I was able to make the almost 50 copies needed to give everyone the set. I am VERY happy that I was able to get both those thing off the list. I need to make labels and cute packaging for them but at least the majority of the work is done.
Last night I was up late working on cutting out some hearts and maps to go inside the door frames of the french do
ors as I will be putting a picture of Princess number one as a baby on the left spot and then have a map cut out of where she was born in the center spot and then a picture of Prince number one as a baby on the right and a map of where he was born in the center slot of the door as well. It took some time to find the maps, center them and cut them. I was blessed to make a new friend who just opened a scrapbooking store in our town. She let me borrow this sizzix machine so all I had to do was to center the map on the die cut and crank. I was able to make about 50 hearts and map hearts for the doors.
Things are coming together as I keep working on them. I am blessed with some amazing people in my life. My heavenly Father sure listened when I told him where I needed help. I have had people come forward offering to do just the things I needed help with. I am so blessed.
Tomorrow, I hope to finish the pinwheels for the hanging wall. It will be fun if it works out as I would like it to but we'll have to wait until the wedding day to know for sure as the doors and fans are already in the city of the wedding so I can't try it out before hand. Here's to hoping!
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