At my wedding shower 25 years ago, my family quilted me a king size blanket of my color choosing. Over the years, that quilt has comforted each of my girls many times and was on our bed for the first years. The photo above is Princess number one as a baby on that quilt.
The other day, we were talking about who gets what if I die and all the girls were fighting over who would get that quilt. I am sure if I took some time, I would find pictures of that quilt with each girl on it at some point.
My family gave Princess number one a shower a few we
eks ago and quilted her a quilt in her wedding colors with one side flannel and the other side fleece. They didn't add batting so that it wouldn't be heavy.
My aunt boug
ht and sewed the fabric together before bringing it and we put it on the frames that night and everyone helped and it was finished before the games were over. Since that night, I have been to Princess number 1's apartment twice and both times it was on the couch obviously having been used.

What a wonderful tradition my family has. As I view
ed that blanket, I could almost see my future grand children cuddling in it, being read to, and getting comfort from it when sick. It was as if my whole family were giving them a big hug and sending love from each stitch that went into making it.

We also played some fun games that I may get posted at some point but for the most part, we enjoyed visiting. She got some wonderful gifts she will use as well as the blanket.
Thanks to everyone for your generosity and support!
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