My sister got my mother to the hospital by way of ambulance. She was extremely dehydrated and in shock. It was late at night and my sister called me telling me of what she found. I asked if she wanted me to come up and she said "No, they are doing a cat scan and I will call if you need to come." At this point, the dream hadn't come to my mind. I waited up until late but she never called.
The next morning I got a call waking me. My
sister said that they had given my mother fluids and that she thought she would be OK. I asked if she wanted me to come be there for her so she could go home. She said she would be fine. I had warned my oldest daughter (She had just arrived home for a break between switching colleges after getting her associates before starting her Bachelors degree.) that I may have to leave.

The dog was barking when I finished my call. My daughter went to let the dog out and came back and said, "If you are going to go to help grandma, you want to leave now it is starting to blizzard." With a huge rush, the dream came back into my mind.
I called my oldest sister back and said, "Do you remember my dream last week? It is starting to snow here." We both started to cry and I rushed to pack and get out the door to get to my mother.

They took her in for emergency surgery and within seconds of getting the shunt, she was awake and talking. To my frustration, they put her back on the MICU unit. They gave her every antibiotic available. They called my brother and I into the hall and told us to plan the funeral.
I gave her grapefruit seed extract 15 drops in water three times a day, 10 sprays of 100 ppm colloidal silver every hour and rubbed "brain power" and "Thieves" oil from "Young Living" oil on her feet as I reflexed her head points on her feet.

During this time there were two other incidents where my mother could have died dealing with a student nurse moving her head low with a shunt. I was grateful I was there to stop this from happening. The was also another issues with a feeding tube that the Dr. wasn't aware of and was sending her to get an MRI having had constant food.
The MRI showed no infection and no swelling and NONE of the Dr.'s could believe it was her scan. The neurosurgeons were in shock. She recovered so well that within days she was transferred to another facility. There she recovered more with physical therapy and other help with feeding tubes before she could be transferred to a third place for rehab. She couldn't move her left side having laid on it for the two days before we found her and being in bed for over a month dealing with the MICU.
The new hospital wouldn't accept the MRI from the old hospital saying it was impossible for her to recover so quickly. The new scan was perfect and the Doctors had no explanation for it.

Since that time, I've had a few other weird things happen with dreams so I will write about that tomorrow. Weird life I have but there is never a dull moment!
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