I was gone from my house for a full 24 hours. I had an hour sleep Saturday night working on fixing a car for Princess Five. She was put in as a leader for the women in her congregation and I wanted to go and support her in that. She had the time wrong and let me know at 9 p.m. the night before that her meeting would be at 9 a.m. rather than the 1:30 she told me prior, and I live about four hours away. I slept that hour, got up and started driving arriving just in time for the meeting to start. I went to her two hours of church, and then Princess Five and I helped pack up Princess Four, and her roommates were wonderful to help us take all her boxes down the flight of stairs to the car, and load the car.
I was super tired, but felt that I should drive the hours to another state to help her unload her car into her new apartment. Her new place is on the third floor of a large apartment complex. I was so grateful to her new roommates for helping haul her carload of stuff up the three flights of stairs as I was done in with my three trips up and down due to the horrible wild-fire smoke.
I spent several hours there helping her unpack her kitchen, pantry, bathroom, and bedroom items. We did a real rush job on the unpacking, but it was enough to get her bedroom organized enough to be able to function until she has time to get more organized.
She was starting work the next morning and had to pick up her boss at 8 a.m. in a new city to commute to another city an hour away.
I wanted to make sure that she could get to bed and get some sleep to be alert and awake enough for work, but also to be able to sleep comfortably as to not feel chaotic and crazy with stuff everywhere. We made her bed, unpacked her clothes into the drawers, and in general, got the main stuff out and organized!
I am so grateful that I was able to help her feel organized and safe in her new place before heading home. When we pulled off the highway and into the city where she will be living for the next few years, I had a flashback to when I moved away from home and moved out of state by myself for the first time. The city was not the best and I didn't live in the best section of town. There were lots of one way streets and there was a zoo in the city. I literally had every situation like I did then while following her to her new place. It was so weird. I then realized that I was so nervous moving there by myself driving my own car and not having someone to help me find my way and unpack and make the place my own. I thought that I was grateful that I hadn't allowed Princess Four to take that drive alone late at night and have those same feelings of being alone and fearful of my surroundings that I had when I moved to another state.
I feel like God was allowing me to shift my own experience of that situation by helping Princess Four have a different experience, feeling supported, excited, and happy. She told me as I was leaving at midnight that she was excited about her new life in this new state and city. She was settled and has some great roommates and a nice clean place to call home for the next while.
It was a nightmare driving home for five to six hours by myself after only an hour sleep the night before. I had to stop many times, eat ice, listen to anything on my cell phone I could as the radio didn't work in dead zones. I fell asleep on main street in my home town on the way home and found myself jerking awake a mile from home. I was so grateful to make it home safely! I took a quick shower and climbed into my clean sheets I put on the night before. I don't remember many other times being so grateful for a clean bed! 
I have checked in on Princess Four each day as she has been in her new place, and she said she is getting to know her roommates better and is also getting to know one of her bosses better as they commute the hour each way this month to help reopen a store in that town before opening the new one in her new city.
I am glad she is living her best life and taking on challenges and experiences, that may cause others to cower, with confidence! She put herself forward to open a new store, in a new state and city, by herself by choice! She has the will to move mountains and I am excited to see how that plays out for her!
It has been an interesting year for her. A year ago, she was living with me. Now, she is opening new stores! It will be interesting to see where she is in another year~!
Have a blessed day!