When I put iodine on my skin when I get a parasite sore or have a rash, it makes the parasites migrate somewhere else in the body. I had one on my right leg this week and I could feel a VERY long parasite migrate into my left leg and I have also been having more sharp pains around my body. One of the most disturbing issues I am having, is the parasites that are a bit larger are burrowing at the back of my eyeball. It wakes me up many times and it is so disturbing to feel that feeling and not be able to do anything about it. It feels like you got something in your eye between your eye and eyelid that was moving around but it is at the back of your eyeball.
My eyes are hurting more often and I believe that is due to the amount of parasites in the eye and that they are getting larger as I haven't taken anything to keep them down in a few months now. I need to take the time to try some new therapies and am calling a new company tomorrow. I hope they can help me.
I also talk about "haters" on the internet and how I found that not reading the comment or dwelling on it can really heal and by imagining myself giving the mean person to Christ, and blocking them from my channel, has really helped me focus on the good rather than the negative.

I had a friend tell me onetime that God is a loving Father in Heaven and he would do anything a loving parent would do. I took what he shared to heart as I used to only ask for help if it was something I couldn't do for myself. I learned from my friend that God WANTS to help his children. He will do anything He can that we ask, if it be for our good. So, I started asking for things I wanted and needed and have had SO many MIRACLES in my life through prayer that I KNOW it works.
First, The pattern for prayer is shown in the "Lords Prayer" by opening with directing it to the Father. I saying "Dear Heavenly Father" like I would my own father, but others say "God," or "Our Father Who art in Heaven." Truly, I don't think God will care how we open it if we are sincere and humble before Him.

Third, you ask for what you want and need. If you ask for something over the top, you probably won't get it, but I wouldn't rule it out. I think God gives us what will be for our best outcome and I think HE knows that a sincere follower would ask for things in their best interest, or for the interest of others. When asking for someone's healing or health, or other big things, I always end with "if it be Thy will." as I know that sometimes death and trials are for our best growth potentials so it is HIS will .
Lastly, you end, "In the name of Jesus Christ" or "through Christ" or any way using Christ as the "go between." as it is ONLY through Christ that we can be saved as he is the one that took upon Himself our sins with the Father so we could be saved. So, end it in "HIS" name and then finish with an "Amen" to close the prayer.

It was just after that that I felt a strong feeling that I should get up and share that God "texted" my heart asking me to share my testimony of Christ. I do believe that God can and will "text" us with little messages He wants us to know. Some ways I know a message is from Him, is if I find a coin that say, "In God We Trust" on it. Also, 111 shows up when I think He is trying to get my attention. I also hear a song with a special lyric that pertains to the situation I am having. I will have a thought or memory come into my mind about a situation and there is just a different feeling about promptings than a regular thought I would have. It almost feels like the thought is written in DARK SHARPIE in my mind and it is telling me to "Pay attention to this thought" so I hope that you can start to experience that type of communication from God and know that HE is your Heavenly Father and HE loves and cares about each of His children.
I hope you have a Blessed and Prayer filled Day!
Have you spent much time contacting experts other than medical doctors on your parasitic infection? Medical doctors are probably not experts in parasite host interactions and transmission. If I were you, I'd reach out to professors and other researchers working at universities. Knowing how specialized academia is, I would bet that Entomology experts knew more about the life cycle of this parasite than medical doctors. You could also reach out to the American Society of Parasitologists, if you haven't already. Established medical practices cannot help you much if your parasitic infection is considered novel and unfamiliar. Medical doctors do not have in-depth training in the genetics and natural histories of most parasite species.
ReplyDeleteHi, Thanks for your suggestions and comments. When I was first diagnosed and for about a year, I contacted (or tried) specialists just in this parasite, Several university clinics for parasites asking if they wanted to study me. They said they could see me but weren't interested in doing any studying as they need grant money to do that. I contacted reporters, the governors office, the Lt. Governors office, the State Epidemiologist, agricultural colleges Entomologists, Veterinarians, universities that studied parasites and pot smoking, and more.
DeleteSince nothing worked, and I got no replies, or "we don't know how to help you" back, I have not done much recently as I have done everything I could think to do to get attention on this parasite and someone to study it. I have not reached out to the society of Parasitologist but may look into that once I have my new website finished.
Thank you for taking the time to share that idea with me. Have a Blessed Day!