Last week I may have been asked out on a date by a 9 year old but this week I got asked if I would marry a 60 year old man. So I'm really excited to see how this next week goes.
This week we did a lot of finding! And let's just say that park contacting is definitely a new favorite of mine!
We met dad with 4 daughters, they were the cutest little family, it reminded me of all my sisters! I really hope that we can meet with them again this week. We met several other young families, and we set up return appointments with most of them as well!
We were talking to a man in the park who had some questions about which church was true, so we asked him if he has time later when we could teach him, and he said he had time right then, so we shared with him the restoration and he is excited to read the Book of Mormon and we have another lesson with him next week!
One of the member families in our ward lives right next to the park, and so our dear friend Hermano Al often goes for walks in the park. He is the Cutest old man, he walks around the park, and just is everyone's friend and shares the gospel with them. Talk about a member missionary. His wife died exactly 2 years ago and he has the strongest testimony of the plan of salvation and he loves God so much! During this whole conversation he was holding an ice-cream bar, and an ear of corn still in the husk. At the end of this conversation, he offered us the corn which was still warm from being cooked, we shucked it and ate it right there in the park as he struggled to open his very melted ice-cream, it was an over all very good day! And, over all, very good week!
Something I've really been really trying to focus on this week, is just doing things, if that makes sense. I read a really good talk by Elder Eyring called "Do Not Delay" from October 1999. Basically, just don't procrastinate. That's something I've always struggled with, but I know that the future can be a much happier place if we just care and prepare for it.😊
Love you all,
Hermana Princess Five
Hermana Princess Five
Sorry I didn't take any pictures last week😅
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