We had zone conference this week and sister "companion" l and I taught a training on humility, everyone said it went well.
This week I've learned a lot in my studies, but my favorite thing I learned was when I was reading in Jacob 5 instead of comparing the house of Israel to the olive tree, I compared myself. I've been thinking a lot about repentance recently,
and how if we are doing something that is not good for us, we should cut it out of our lives, like those branches that aren't bring forth good fruit.
It rained a lot again this week.
Also this Chinese woman walking down the street did a double take when we passed her and said, "TWINS?!" I don't think sister "companion" and I look too similar, but we get asked if we are sisters every day, which is really confusing because we are
sisters, but like not, any way that's fun.
Hermana Princess Five
The Photo is us after a huge rain storm
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