Hello! Shimai here in good ole Higashi on this day before transfer calls, just wanting to tell all you beautiful people out there you are beautiful and loved!!! So.. Miracles yeah?
First off. I testify that the gift of the Holy Ghost , and the gift of dreams are real. We were blessed with an amazing wild goose chase of finding a dropped investigator because of a dream that guided us to where we needed to be at the right time. Through the gift of discernment and the Holy Ghost, we really saw an amazing miracle. We hope the dropped investigator chooses to take the lessons! It was way more awesome than im making it sound, but just know i know that gifts of the spirit are REAL!!!
Ummm.. Oh yeah.. Two potential investigators came to church!! Not even investigators. What!? One was an Eikaiwa student(Thank you Eikaiwa) and the other was a woman we found pinging. Shimada shimai felt like we should invite her to church, so we stopped by Saturday night before basketball night, and drew her a little map. She is an older woman, but she likes when we stop by! She has read a little bit of the Book of Mormon! I just so happened to have a purple origami crane in my bag, and her house just happens to be purple, so i gave her that's a thank you for her giving me some medicine when she saw my bruises from my bike crash, and it made her laugh! Thank you origami! We told her we were singing in church, and she came maybe 3 or 4 minutes before we sang becasue think her taxi got lost or something, but gods timing is real!
We taught SOO many Free Familly English Program lessons this week! Ok, only 3, but that is a lot! Trust me! We found one woman on splits, and the other approached US! So rare! I am grateful for English!!
We were able to teach the Plan of Salvation to a woman who was baptized 30 years ago, but doesn't remember anything really. It was amazing having her learn that there is more to life than just dying and being a spirit. She is a talker, and boy did she talk! It was so fun! She has the cutest laugh! And we are able to go to our mission president's FHE today due to her saying yes to our invitation to come! It should be a lot of fun! I'm excited!!
We had basketball night, and met a TON of high school girls! It was POURING rain!! But so many people came! We got a few numbers, and made lots of friends! how cool would it be to help a whole basketball team be converted!? Lets do it!
There is a prophecy about Japan that was told by Elder Eyring. He prophecied about now. There are some big changes happening, and i can already see them! The hearts in Japan are opening! It is amazing to be a missionary and to do this work! I love this gospel, and KNOW this gospel is true! It leads to happiness!
2 Nephi 32:5
5 "For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do."
Choose to have a good week!
All you can eat Curry and Nan.... it was heaven...
Sister Cook! She fed us... it was expensive, and very kind of her! Why are people so nice!? She is an angel! It was Ike America except we ate popcorn octopus! It was a good time!
Basketball friends!
It was raining so hard!! My poor companion!!
Sister Friend my BFF. I will probably be transferring so we took a picture! I love her!
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