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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
The Broadway Quilt is Becoming a Reality Thanks to my Angels
As you know, I have been driving all over the state lately for many reasons and I have stopped at every second hand store I can find in any of those towns to look for Broadway t-shirts for a quilt for Princess Five. I have written a few posts about it in the past month or so but with me being in a larger city taking care of my surgery patient, I have had a chance to skip out at night when others were around to go to a few more second hand stores and scour the racks. What started at first as me looking for Broadway t-shirts for my Princess Five has morphed into a huge project. I also have wanted to make a quilt for my dad for some time. I kept many of my mom's clothes to make a quilt from those and haven't had time in this past crazy year to do much of anything. Due to the surgery, I knew I needed to find something I could do without leaving the house and I brought all the shirts I have been collecting for my dad's quilt with me and found a few more I posted about on the way for the surgery date. I was able to get them all cut out and pinned together except for a few small ones I got tonight to finish up a few squares.
I will be able to work on sewing it while transferring over some VHS to digital in the coming months. I have lots of VHS of my mother that I want to transfer so I can upload them.
It should be a long few months working on all sorts of projects but I figure I can do both at the same time. I still haven't finished sorting and scanning what I need to of my mom's stuff but hopefully now that Princess Five is at school, the surgery is over, etc, I can finally get back to my mothers stuff. In searching for shirts for my dad and for Princess Five's Broadway quilt, I found so many themed shirts that were $1 and $2 that I figured I would start collecting them and then make five themed quilts that my girls could them choose from. I am already making and have been collecting "Princess" themed shirts for Princess Four whose dream is to be a Disney Princess. I think I have found enough to get that quilt started and want to have it done for her when she returns home from her mission.
I have always wanted to do a "Mickey Mouse" quilt and was able to find some classic shirts. I found so many Mickey and Minnie that I may make one of each and then one of them together. I then found lots of Star Wars shirts and I have a few in the family that love it so that was also a no brainer.
Personally for myself, I have lots of funny t-shirts and wanted to do a quilt just of funny shirts but they are usually $10 -$15 a shirt. I was able to find lots of funny shirts this past month so probably will be able to make my quilt soon as well.
I also have my own shirts from childhood, more like college on up but I have wanted to make my own quilt that way as well but in doing all this shopping, I have found shirts I would rather use than some that don't hold the happiest memories for me. I found one today that says, "Fenway Pahk" and I toured the field one year with one of their pitchers and that was a good memory for me so I will replace the shirt I had for Boston with that square. I also found a 111111 shirt and a "gratitude" shirt! Could there be any better shirts for my quilt? I think not! I also found all these cute Disney Princess Dress up dresses for about $15 for the bunch. I couldn't resist as I remember my girls having so much fun with dress ups but we didn't have all the fun dresses they have now. I think the grandchildren will love it. I found a cute Sesame Street Sweater for Princess Four. It was nearly $8 used but I think she will LOVE it and it has a front and a back. She LOVES SS. Here is a link to a quilt I made her a few years back. I can wash it and send it to her for Christmas as it is cold in Japan. I don't know that I have ever seen a knit Sesame Street anything. She will be happy with it. I would never have even known to look for a sweater. I am so grateful for my "angels" that look out for me, helping me find just what I need when I need it. Speaking of that, today, my surgery patient was feeling better as it is a week today since the surgery so we went out to a few stores. I found SO many Broadway shirts this week! Today I found the 8 listed in the picture a few up. I found a larger "Lion King" which is great as the other I found was a small child size. I found Jekyll and Hyde, Tarzan, The Little Mermaid, an original Hamilton shirt with the women on it, a "Hamilton" more joking one but she loved it, and a Xanadu one which she has never heard of but it was a musical shirt so I know it is being produced, and a Willy Wonka shirt that she didn't like and probably won't use but for $1, I figured if we needed and extra square, it could work. So this week, we got $12 shirts she loves and a few she may not use but we had nearly 20 at home with some duplicates in there but my absolute favorite part of my week..... My friend Son... texted telling me she was headed to New York this month and asked what shirt Princess Five would like if she could find it!!!!! Do I have amazing friends or what!!!! Princess and I both said Hamilton but I need to text her and let her know that she would rather have one of the other two we mentioned now that she has a "Hamilton" shirt. I know that my guardian angels on earth and in heaven are watching out for my Princesses daily. I have friends that bought squares for the SS quilt off of ebay and sent them to me! One saw the issues I had with a phone I bought and sent her old phone for Princess Five. I am SO grateful for my angels and you know who you are! Have a BLESSED Day!
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