My mother saved every program, wedding announcement and any other type of paper with any of her 8 children's names on it and her siblings as well as her nieces and nephews.
I have about five bins of pictures, just pictures and then many other bins of documents, letters etc.
I started with two bins that had mostly pictures but some documents and I ended up being up all night and I didn't even finish the two bins.
This is why I hate to start anything from my mothers estate as I am now stuck with piles all over the table
I found some amazing pictures of my granparents on both sides as well as some great photos of my mother singing and dancing.
I probably have sorted five hundred pictures already last night but, being up all night I didn't get my blog done on time. Forgive the lateness of the post. I am hoping to get the rest of the bins sorted this next week. I need to get to scanning some pictures for the book and I really want to get it all done!
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