I was shocked when we put it together in a day. There was another puzzle at that store for 50 cents that was also candy related and was all Hershey miniature bars. So, I purchased it since we had so much fun doing the first puzzle.
I couldn't believe that they wanted to do another puzzle so soon after the first as they haven't liked doing them with me lately and I didn't finish the last one we put up and started. They did help me with the Snow White one's we did for camp thought but they were tough and took some time.
So, imagine my surprise when they finished the next puzzle in a day.
I figured since they were in a puzzle doing mood, I would pull out any puzzles we had in the house and make sure they had all their pieces.
I pulled out a Norman Rockwell one that I got from my dad's house they were getting rid of and we put it together and it was missing a handful of pieces. We did finish it in a day and before I took a picture of it, I had ripped it apart and had it in the wood burning stove to burn since there is no reason to keep a puzzle that is missing pieces.
I pulled out one from Princess Fours collection that had Kermit the Frog in it and I also pulled out one that I did when I was about their ages that I also got from my dads and was probably the hardest puzzle we ever did.
They started the "Miss Piggy and Kermit" one and we finished it tonight after working on the garage door and my car for a few hours. I was happy we were able to finish it while watching a movie and was sad to find it missing one piece.
Since this was a puzzle that was in her "Sesame Street Collection" I didn't think she would want to get rid of it so I had a brainstorm to make a puzzle piece for that spot out of another puzzle piece of similar color. There were a few extra puzzle pieces in with the puzzles over the past two days so I used one that was dark like the area that missing the piece. I placed the piece under the spot that needed the piece and used a pen and drew the puzzle shape on the dark puzzle piece. I traced it several times to make sure I could see the place to cut.
I should have used an exacto knife but I just used scissors to cut the shape out. It wasn't perfect but pretty close. The piece wasn't as dark as the area it was in so I used a black Sharpie and colored the piece with it making it match a bit better.
Princess Four was happy with it and said it looked better so I am glad I did it as she wanted to keep the puzzle. I told her that someday her kids will be doing the puzzle and wonder about their weird grandma who makes puzzle pieces and Princess four said, "You are weird mom but you are a good weird." There you have it, I am a "good" weird! How could I add on that!
Tomorrow, we will start the difficult flag puzzle. I can't find anymore puzzles in the house so I must have gotten rid of the one's we have already done or the one I didn't finish. I'll have to keep my eyes out for a few more fun puzzles.
I think that one would be fun to do with the girls while we have an "Indiana Jones" marathon movie day sometime.
I am thinking about taking this puzzle camping with us to do under the pavilion after dinner until lights go out. Using the puzzle keeper, it would be easy to put it away for the night and back out the next day. Could be fun!
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