I feel bad blogging on days like yesterday and today because I spend so much time working on my mothers stuff, that I don't do anything else and have nothing much to share.
I t seems like my life is so boring and who would want to read about it? Truly, most days, that is how I feel but I know if no one reads it, it doesn't matter because it is a history in itself for my girls and their families.
With that, I know I am busy. I know that I still have a ton of work to do on my mothers history, estate, sorting, scanning etc. I am doing my best. However, I do get frustrated with my mother at times when the mountain of stuff is overwhelming and I want to share with her how frustrating it is to spend days and day sorting. I have spent MONTHS of my life sorting her stuff and organizing thing. I transferred over 180 super 8 movies to dvd and listed everyone on every video in order etc.
I am a VERY organized person when I have the time to be and I really do like everything in its place but feel like that has gone out the window the past few years with the amount of stuff I have had to sort through.
Sorting is only part of the issue. The scanning is the bigger issue now that Walmart has changed out their scanners. There is no place to go to get fast scanners that can capture many photos as once and then allow you to edit them before you save them.
So, I am overwhelmed looking at the stacks of pictures. I spent all today working on the two bins and finally I finished sorting those two bins and still have several more in the garage!
Then, there is the writing up the history or typing up the history to go with the picture. You can understand my frustration if you read back a few years when I posted about all the sorting I did.
I still have several bins that need to be sorted in the next few days and once I finish those, I will need to merge the piles / files and then move onto scanning. I have a specific pile that needs scanning now as the items need to be included into the book so that is a priority and then finishing the edit as I am 2/5th the way done. I still have 150 pages.
I truly realize how blessed we are to live in a time where everything is at our fingertips and that newspapers are a thing of the past. I was trying to explain to my youngest today how famous my mother was having photographers following her every move for a year of her life and then often after that.
I am grateful to have such an amazing mother that was willing to sacrifice a life of fame and fortune to have 8 children! Who took lots of pictures of each of her kids and kept all their programs and some art etc. She made audio tapes of us speaking and videos of us through the years. She was the master family history hoarder! I know at some point I will be grateful for her "hoarding" as it will give us understanding of our families past. I will be VERY excited when I have it all organized and digitized so we all can benefit from it!
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