17 Again
The Proposal
She's the Man
How to lose a Guy in Ten Days
(I don't watch many movies as my husband watches news)
While You Were Sleeping
Ever After
How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days
Pretty Woman
Pride and Prejudice (Kiera Knightly version)

Devil Wears Prada
Just Like Heaven
Princess Bride
Sweet Home Alabama
Pretty Woman
Lady Hawk
Return to Me
Ever After
Sweet Home Alabama
27 Dresses
Failure to Launch

Fault in the Stars
Pride and Prejudice
Romeo and Juliet
There were a couple that said they don't watch movies.
Top Five Cross Over Movies for the Bunko Group:
How to lose a Guy in Ten Days (2)
Ever After (2)
Pretty Woman (2)
Pride and Prejudice (2)
Sweet Home Alabama (2)

I found it interesting that most of the titles were on at least one of the girls lists. I have never watched "Lady Hawk" but as I was writing this, I found it in my VHS collection of movies I haven't watched. I think I need to as that is the only one on the list I haven't heard seen before.
I haven't seen "Fault in the Stars" yet either but it is on my "list" to watch at some point.
Funny but true story. Pretty Woman just came out. I got a call from my best friend. "You have to watch this movie. The main actress is just like you." I posted about this situation in another post and you can click here to read about it. When the topic came up at Bunko tonight, I was reminded again about that. Every night at work as a nurse for years I would get "You look just like Julia Roberts." I've never seen it but with this list, I did have a flash back to that.
The only show that made it into the top list on both my girls and my bunko group is....... EVER AFTER! Guess we will have to watch that one again this weekend!
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