I was talking to someone about my favorite "Chick Flix" and I was sharing that some aren't probably the most romantic but the humor between the couples has me laughing hard sometimes... That conversation probably was the start of this but I texted the girls and asked them to each give me their top ten chick flicks or romance films and I didn't want them to talk with each other before hand so they wouldn't all give me the same answers.
I wanted to see how many of their answers were the same and I wrote my list before looking at their replies so here are their replies.
I think I may put Prince number 1's answers in as if I did a post about men's top ten, he would be the only guy. lol I will ask but don't want to put him on the spot so if you see his list here, he was a good sport. If not, he was probably busy bringing home the bacon and not thinking about silly things like top ten lists.
Prince Number One did reply through it beautiful wife and here is his reply through her:
"Return to me
Two weeks notice
The proposal
My Big fat Greek wedding
Father of the bride? I don't know what else."
off the top of my head, I really like
pride and prejudice ( Kiera
knightly version)
return to me
the proposal
life is beautiful (not
really a chick flick).
I like these too:
Big fat Greek wedding
notting hill
a walk to remember
princess bride
13 going on 30
ever after.
I probably forgot a few and the list was excluding Disney movies and musicals ;)"
Princess Two took it very seriously and told me she would have to get back to me. It took about 24 hours. This is interesting since I thought she would be the first to reply and whip them off. Not what I would have expected for her list either but it has been interesting seeing what things the girls have picked. Here is her reply.

"My Top Ten Chick Flicks:
1. Miss Congeniality
2. Austenland
3. Steel Magnolias
4. While You Were Sleeping
5. Wedding Planner
6. My Best Friends Wedding
7. Return To Me
8. The Proposal
9. She's the Man
10. Music and Lyrics
1. Miss Congeniality
2. Austenland
3. Steel Magnolias
4. While You Were Sleeping
5. Wedding Planner
6. My Best Friends Wedding
7. Return To Me
8. The Proposal
9. She's the Man
10. Music and Lyrics
(Later she wrote) - Exchange She's the man with "Win a Date With Tad Hamaltin."

Princess Bride
Warm Bodies
The loves Long Journey series
13 going on 30
Prince of Persia
She's the man
How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days
A walk to remember
and... the one where the girl gets a heart transplant or Just like Heaven. (Return to Me is the first one there)
Not: The Notebook. Ha" end quote

A Cinderella Story
The Proposal
The Back-up Plan
Beauty and the Briefcase
Just Like Heaven
Bride Wars
P.S. I Love You
Bounty Hunter
The Lake House
Divergent and Holes (She wasn't sure they counted as chick flicks)
Princess Five ripped off her top five in seconds but then had to go look at the movies to think of the others.

27 Dresses
When in Rome
Ever After
A Walk to Remember
The Proposal
50 First Dates (We only have this edited)
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Devil Wears Parada
My Top Ten:
Life is Beautiful (with subtitles as I have the Dubbed English version as well)

A Walk to Remember
What Happens in Vegas (first and only comedy on the list)
Time Travelers Wife
The Saint with Val Kilmer
Les Miserable / Phantom (since they are musicals I counted them as a twofer)
Princess Bride
Ever After and A Knight's Tale are neck and neck here
Where there were cross overs: Turned into Top 10 overall
Return to me (5)
The Proposal (5)
A Walk to Remember (4)
Ever After (3)
Just Like Heaven (3)
Princess Bride (3)
Life is Beautiful (2)
13 Going on 30 (2)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2)
Austenland (2)

Interesting that with seven peoples input, there was only a top ten with multiples. Funny.
With the holiday weekend coming, I figured I would post this earlier in the week so if you want to go rent or find some of our favorites to watch with your family, you can have time to find them as some of my favorites may be hard to find. I am hoping at some point to be able to find "A Beautiful Life" on DVD. Powder is a bit obscure so I doubt it will ever make it to DVD but one can always hope.
Just thought of "Sweet Home Alabama" and Patrick Dempsey is priceless in this... Watched it last week with Princess Five. Its also a good one. Can I just say, "Joint Checking!!!"
I wonder if "Somewhere in Time" would make the list of any if they had seen it since it is "Timeless" ha ha. Actually, that movie always disturbed me in that I couldn't figure out who originally bought the watch.
Now, I think you should all send me your top ten list. If Chick Flicks aren't your thing, perhaps favorite comedies would be a good list to send! Maybe I will do a few more posts this week of our top tens...... Could be interesting...
I just looked at the winners again and found it interesting that half have someone die or are in a coma for part of the movie. Four of those five are in the top five! I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever write a screen play.
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