On November 3, 2010, I posted some thoughts I have on money and it being on the ground. I figured it shouldn't be on the ground as it has God's name on it. Here is a link to part one of that post.
Since that time, every time I see any money on the ground, I pick it up. Sometimes I get a little embarrassed but other times, I can share why I am picking it up and most of the time, the people think it is a great thing and tell me they are going to start picking money up to keep God's name off the ground as well.
Since that time, every time I find money or get "free" money, I put it in my "money jar." This jar is a vase my mother made in her pottery class. I guess she used horse hair to make the cool design on the side of the pot. It really isn't my style and I think it would make a very good Halloween decoration as the hair kinda looks like a spiders web. But, since my mother made it, I keep it in my bedroom and throw all the coins I find in the jar.
What I consider "free money" is when I get an advertisement saying that if you come to the car dealership they will give you a chance to win a large amount of money but say that every customer is a winner. They give you two to three dollars just for going in. I am up about $15 from this. It is several times a year.
Another way I get free money, is for taking surveys they mail or from companies sending coins in the mail trying to get you to donate. Here is a post on "Free Money" where I talk about surveys.
I started this almost three years ago in a few weeks and thought it was a good time to count up the funds and see how much I have in the jar. MOST of the money is money I have found on the ground. Even some of the bills were found.
Princess Five and I dumped, sorted and counted the jar up this weekend. We laughed at how beat up many of the coins were. I find them all over in the rocks, dirt and many on the street or parking lots. I took a close up of some of the worse of the lot.
Princess laughed and laughed at the "half" penny we have. She made me actually put the total as $72.84 1/2.
So, in the three years of collecting pennies and other coins and bills off the ground, we have about $75. Not that I was ever doing it for the money. At some point, I am going to find a good charity or good cause and use the money there but for now, it is good to see how many times I have been reminded to Trust in GOD. At the beginning, I would just put in what I found but now, it seems that I find the money when I need to be reminded of Trusting Him.
I share some of the times but most often, I figure people don't want to hear about my penny moments so I just smile and share with my girls or sister. I have over $2.60 in pennies. Most of those were individual finds. Some of the larger coins are from recycling but almost all the pennies were "Found" pennies. One or two may have come in the mail but for the most part, that is 260 reminders to "Trust Him" and when I add in the other coins and bills I have found, I am looking at finding a penny every third day or so. That is about how often I do find them so what a blessing starting this has added to my life. My girls all have their own found money jars as well. We haven't added that in but perhaps when we decide to give it to charity, we will post the total of all the jars.
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