Princess Three and Five did each others nails the other night. They both got creative and did some Halloween holiday designs on each others hands.
I did a pedicure on Princess Three the night before using purple and green alternating with orange tips. That was fun but Princess Four, who was doing homework most evenings of the weekend, missed out on the fun.
Before Princess Three went back to school, she told Princess Four she would do her toes and nails and Princess Five got in on the offer. They kept asking her what she wanted and she wouldn't answer so Princess Three said she would just do something different on each finger and toe and they all thought that would be fun so they went at it. The picture at the top is Princess Three with the black and silver and Princess Five with the candy corn nails. The "jack" from "Nightmare before Christmas" is done in glow so that his face shows in the dark.
Princess Three said it scared her the other night when she hadn't see it yet and really did glow.
The girls started painting and came up with some really cute ideas. I think they regretted some of the color combo's as the print in the center didn't show up as much as they would have liked but the designs are cute.
Today the votes came in from some of Princess Four's friends and they liked the pumpkin (which many thought was a spider) and "Jack" were the favorite two.
I kinda like the spiders web and tried to talk Princess Three into doing a black widow spider on one but she did other things not wanting to do a spider.
You can see here how she decided to do the candy corn. She wasn't sure she wanted to do the entire nail for that as she was worried that too many layers would be hard to get dry. She ended up doing the entire nail white and letting it dry. She then did 2/3rds of the nail yellow. She let that dry. She they used the thin tip orange to do the little orange part at the top.
When she was doing Princess Five's nails, she was watching a movie and did one upside down so if you notice on the top photo, Princess Five has alternating fingers with orange at the top on one and the bottom on the other. It looks cute that way so it worked out.
The pumpkin, she used the thin black tip and thin green tip for the details. The thin tip polishes can be purchased at "Family Dollar" or most "Dollar Tree" locations for a dollar a bottle. They get sticky after a year or so but for the colors we use often, it is nice to be able to get new bottles cheaply.
You can see how fine the lines are as she used the silver for the spiders web. It came out great.
I think Princess Five got tired and wanted a nap as she whipped hers off a bit more quickly but had some great ideas. She did red eyes on black, a witches hat, a yellow glow in the dark harvest moon, "Jack" and a frankenstien stitch.
She came up with the "Jack" when she was making a ghost and then took a toothpick and pulled the mouth up and down making it look like stitches.
Princess Three finished hers up by making a ghost on the pinky. She used glow paint and then made the ghost face on it. I think they all came out rather cute. I should have let them go at it on my fingernails but I have worked on my trailer daily except Sunday for five days in a row. The polish would have worn off today as I use mineral spirits to soften the old seal and silicone so my nails would have been history so it would have just wasted their time.
Perhaps one of these years I won't have so much yard work and other manual stuff to keep me busy and ruin cute nails. At least I have cute toes. I always keep them manicured so I guess that is something. I touched mine up while the girls did their nails the other night.
We had a great weekend and I appreciated having some help on the trailer. My girls can do just about anything. I am so blessed.
I haven't decorated this year for Halloween so I will have to accept that the girls fingers are our decorations. I actually went and spent $10 on decorations at the dollar store. I have gotten more comments on the pictures I bought where it looks like a family picture and then you move and the person is now a skeleton. My twin nieces told their mom that I had "Scary pictures that change when you look at them." Most people enjoy them so I guess even though I was lame and didn't pull out the decorations, I did get festive enough to buy some really cool decorations to add to the stash.
I used to enjoy decorating but got rid of much of the stuff because I have so much to do in fall that it isn't a priority. Dehydrating, pruning, winterizing, windows etc keep me quite busy. Here is a post about decorating last year.
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