She pulled out all the stuff she got and told me when and where she got it and how she got it or how she made it and about things other people made.
She usually isn't that talkative about things but I think since no one else was home to talk about it with, she wanted to share and I was it.
Here is a link to the last pair of shoes she decorated.
I think this time it was more fun because she was doing it in a room full of girls near her age. She used Sharpie markers and spent lots of time putting what she wanted on the shoes.
The week before, I was cleaning out my sewing room and found some florescent shoe laces and she didn't use the white laces in the shoes because she wanted to put the orange one's in.
It was really cute to see her doing something like that. She loves crafts and it reminded me of when I would take squares of plastic canvas to church in the quite bag and take shoe laces of different colors for them to lace into shapes at church.
All in all it was fun and it is a good craft for camping as it keeps them busy for a long time.
Hey..nice to be the part of your these designer footwear !!