Today's post will be short and sweet. I didn't get much sleep. It is funny how small things can affect you. Princess four being gone and me not knowing anything weighed on my mind and then I saw a mouse.
In the almost 20 years we have lived here, we had a mouse once. It was when we put our swamp cooler in the first time. We left a crack and after that, I got really good and making sure it was sealed.
We had the house weatherized last year (see that post here) and so there really aren't any cracks it could get in.

I saw something in the hall streak past and thought maybe I was seeing things but it was on my mind last night as I tried to sleep as I remember the night my sister woke with a mouse running across her face and moving around in the sheets. That got me going on it and then today, I found droppings on the kitchen floor and tonight I saw it run past twice in the hall but was so freaked out that I didn't want to chase it down. I instead set up two traps hoping that by morning, it will no longer be an issue.
Perhaps I feel sorry for Princess Four being in a foreign place and needed to go native or something.
Anyway, I was one of the parents on the "calling tree" so I got a call fairly early this morning to let everyone know that the first group had made it and that the Rotary and the in country coordinator did a great job of getting the kids from the airport to the orphanage for the first day and that they were on their way to the work site as we spoke and the second group was in flight and would be arriving in country at 10 p.m. our time tonight and would go straight to the site so they would be a day behind the others.
Sad that the second group had to take a flight into a near by city and then take a bus into San Francisco only to find that there were no hotels due to stranded passengers so they all had to sleep in the airport that night. I am glad now that Princess Four was in the first group.
All things worked out in the end and I am sure she is having a good experience as several of the parents have communication with their kids and I talked to lots of them today.
Wish me luck on removing the mouse from the house... I'll let you know how it works out. I am not an animal person and wild mice definitely aren't on my "like" list.
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