One of the other singers that volunteered to sing on the recording didn't need her tickets as she had already purchased tickets for her family so she gave Princess Two her two extra tickets giving Princess three tickets to share. Usually, I purchase tickets before then but there were still some available the week before and some for sale online so I waited hoping someone would get tickets as we weren't sure Princess Two would get extras.
One of my older brothers called me on the fourth in the morning saying they had two tickets they would sell cheaply. He said I could have them for $20 each as he and his son were going to stay at the hotel with the baby.
I told him I would take his tickets as I thought they would be better for me to get pictures than the free tickets as in years past, my sister was in the choir and her husband was on the last row in the stadium with her free ticket right up on the side where it was hard to see the stage.
With the knowledge I had two better seats, I called my sister asking if any of her kids would want to drive the distance to see some big name stars for free. She said she thought her daughter would be afraid of the traffic and distance but thought that my cousin who was living with her at the time may take them.
She called my cousin and she said my other aunt (not her mother) had two extra tickets for $28 each. She was taking one and thought perhaps my sister may like the other. That would give them four tickets for near free and my cousin could go with them.
I called my sister and told her to get online and offer people $20 each for their tickets as they may not get anything and see if she could also get tickets so her entire family could go.
I told her where to park as Princess Two's new place is within a block of the stadium and they put out chairs to save spots. They came down, walked over to the stadium, and someone asked if they needed tickets and gave them to them for $10 each. My sister gave me $20 for my tickets as we gave her the three for free and so we got her family and my family in to the show for $10 a ticket. The concerts were amazing and I can add some new big names to my concert list. See here for that post.
I found a bunch of coins, mostly pennies, all day that day and some that night. I knew Heavenly Father was telling me that it would all be ok with the seats and tickets and getting pictures of the girls. We were at Princess two's house in the middle of the day to save parking spots and I worried about eating as she didn't have much that way yet. If we left, we worried someone may take the spot and we would end up walking long distances. Just about then, her landlords knocked on the door and invited us to their family bar-b-cue in the back yard. They live in the basement apartment and everyone was coming over to watch the fireworks and listen to the concert and watch the big screens from the stadium as they can see them from their back yard.
My sister arrived, parked, and walked down the block to the stadium and after the show, we all visited and walked to the house and enjoyed sitting on the grass watching the neighbors do their fireworks while we waited for the traffic to clear. He provided entertainment even then for us. My sister provided snacks and cold waters for us as we watched and waited and the girls reviewed the video and the dances on the cameras as well.
Another quick blessing was that when I was walking around the stadium after the girls finished dancing and it was dark, I ran hoping to get to my seat and video Princess 2 singing with the choir and as back up singer. I only go half way and was facing the stage when they came out so I rushed in the portal and just then,
Princess Two was on the big screen and I could actually see her. In the daytime photo I posted, you can see her face is obstructed from where I was sitting but from that portal across from the stage, I could see her well and with her on the big screen, I could see her really well.
As you can see by all the posts, "Blessings Abound When God is Around."
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