Princess four is running for Student Body President. She has been a student Senator for the past two years and wants to be able to continue serving in that way her senior year. She really enjoyed serving and is almost finished with her 80 service hours needed for her service mission to Thailand.

She spent one afternoon and evening making these cute posters with her best friend.
I have to say that the cutest parts of the poster were done by her friend who is an artist.
I am ok if I have something to copy but coming up with cute fonts etc from the top of my head has never been something I am good at. I was in awe of her friends ability to just make cute letters and highlight them.I will keep you informed as the the outcome.
I spent the day working on plumbing issues again and spent hours working on the front pipe bib that I blogged about in this post here. I guess when I fixed it this winter, I stripped the threads and that is why it wouldn't turn on or off. The girls tried to use it to fill the tank on the trailer and it wouldn't stop running again so while the water was off for the water heater, I thought I would fix it. I put a new washer on before I realized the problem but after that, I couldn't get it to work and then couldn't find a way to stop the flow of water so I couldn't turn the water main back on.
I tried for about two hours to get the pipe bib loose from the outside and was worried I would break the pipe inside the wall and have to cut the ceiling in our family room to replace it. I was so frustrated and had a migraine all day that I was about to live without water all night as it was getting dark. I finally said a prayer and asked my daughters to pray as well so we could have water. I went back out and was immediately able to unscrew the 14 inch pipe bib and it was actually a twelve inch that had been welded and had an adapter to a different size on it so I once again headed off to Home Depot where I was able to buy a 12 inch bib and an adapter. I came right home, put it all together and was able to put it right in without any problem as it was almost dark. I had no problem with it and turned on the main valve at the street and everything worked well. I was so grateful to my Heavenly Father for helping that pipe come out. I really tried for hours and it wouldn't move. Such a blessing.....
So, as of today, I have a new hot water heater, I changed a cartridge in my moen faucet on my tub (for free as Moen is lifetime warranty), put in a new pipe bib in the front and was about to replace the main valve on the entire house but I can't find the right replacement part so I think I will leave it as it is working ok I just figure since I had the water off I would do it but I am VERY happy to leave it alone as it is working and I am DONE with plumbing stuff!
I am very happy about the new water heater. The girls have all showered and I am off to take a bath! YEA!
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