My internet is getting worse and worse. There are long periods daily that it doesn't work at all. I live on a dead end street so fixing the problem for a few houses doesn't make sense to the BIG phone company so I think I will be resorting to a new internet company and going just to cell phones to save myself the grief and stress this has been causing our family.
Sorry there was no post this morning if anyone is even looking but for over an hour I plugged and unplugged my internet trying to reset it and gave up and went to bed. Our internet is slow anyway but now each day it is getting worse and worse. The wires are underground but for some reason when the weather is bad, our internet has to be reset over and over.
So, here is today's post hours late.
I could have dragged this cute post out for a few days showing exactly what is needed for each doll, animal or glove but I figure that you can blow the picture up and get an idea of what is needed by just viewing the glove.
To make whiskers, I took yarn,unwound it and then put a little glue on it to make it stiff before gluing it on. The same with the mane on the horse and mustache on Old MacDonald. I loved how the turkey came out. I went to a discount store and got all the pom poms in different sizes and colors for fairly cheap and I ordered eyes from a catalog (before the internet) at wholesale getting a gross of them. I still have hundreds of eyes for the price of a few at a craft store.
I love that the prince actually has a little crown. I am not sure what they used but your could use a cheap ring or something. I used sparkly pipe cleaners for the wand and shoe making sure the ends were covered in hot glue and glued down very well so they wouldn't scratch anyone. I think I would have made Cinderella have long golden hair hanging down out of yarn but that is just me.
This last puppet, I don't remember where I got it. It is Daniel in the Lions Den. The lions faces were coming off and one had come off and was missing a mane of hair so I took some of the fabric we used to make our lion hats for camp last year (click here for that post.) So, I looked for that post, guess what? I never did blog about it. I took lots of pictures so I could but I guess I didn't. Looking back at posts, I found several things I started posting about and moved on before posting about them being finished, there are so many other things to post about. My life has been interesting this past few years. Well, anyway, we made some cute hats for camp. (I may, or may not ever post about them. ha ha.) I found this great fabric on a little kids backpack so that is the fabric I used for the mane of the middle lion. I like that they are a bit different, he looks bigger and meaner as the others look like happy lions. :-)
It is funny how when you have your first little children, you make lots of things or buy lots of things and as more come, you already have lots so you stop buying and don't have the time to make things so the younger children learn to be happy with what you already have.
I hope you enjoy the little glove story people. My girls all "claim" them for themselves but we will have a drawing and do numbers for who gets to pick first. (see here about how we keep inheritances and estates from causing a problem in the future. Here is part 1. Here is part 2. Here is part 3.) I will be showing a few other things I made for the quite bag (for church and other meetings) in the future.
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