She has so much going on and yet she found time to make posters and banners. Not only once, but twice. Somehow, her banner disappeared and her competition had a poster where her banner had been. I was so proud of princess four. She just went right in after school and made another poster. I am glad because it gave me a chance to take a picture of her sitting beneath her new banner.
She had the theme "Don't you forget about me!" and used that theme throughout her campaign speech bring the point in that sometimes we all feel forgotten and how next year she hopes that "we" can make everyone feel remembered etc.
She texted when she found out she won and I bought some treats to celebrate her victory. While at the checkout, I looked down and found this penny. I figured it was a good sign. She is so busy already, I don't want to think about how busy next year will be with two in high school again and possibly two dancing as well.
She mentioned taking a college class or two this summer a few weeks ago and I just laughed. She also has HOBY and RYLA as Jr. Leaders at the end of this year and the beginning of next year. She has more packed in than any of her sisters ever did and I keep telling her she doesn't have to "one-up" anyone that she is amazing just for who she is but she keeps going. I am tired just thinking about driving her to all those things. We have had to drive six hours the last two weekends just to get her to meetings.
I remember her telling her sisters that she was going to get her driving permit the day she could. So far, she hasn't read the book and doesn't have a permit and she could already have her license so I guess she isn't on top of everything. :-) Her sisters often joke and remind her of those "comments" she made back when....

She has grown so much and come out of her shell so much. I am proud of the efforts she has made. I know it was hard for her to reach out sometimes but she really is becoming a beautiful woman inside and out. I wonder where things will take her in the future. No doubt wherever she ends up, she will still be amazing!
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