Hey Friends!
This week fireflies started popping out around dusk, and it is such a little tender mercy, they are so majestic, and fun to see on our walk home every night!
This week we had TRANSFERS! I had to say goodbye to my sweet Hermana "old companion", but I know she's going to rock it in New York!
I'm so excited to spend this next transfer with Hermana "new companion"! She is a recent convert from Nevada! She is so fun! We've already had so many adventures this last week!

We talked to a man on the street the other day and some of the first words out in his mouth were, "I saw Joseph Smith the other day in the corner drinking coffee"
It's never a dull day here in Kearny!
We've really been improving my contacts this week. We've been focusing on the "Why" of the Gospel (God loves us) instead of the "what" of the gospel (the book of Mormon) at the beginning of our contacts. And it's been amazing! The mission is amazing!
Hermana Princess Five
My cute comp
The top of these houses are all fake so that's fun!
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