I went to look for that item and behind where that spot was at the store, there was a tall plastic covered item and I was about to leave not seeing what she needed and I felt to go back and look closer at the thick bag. There was a label at the bottom saying it was weed control fabric from Preen company.

The bag contained an entire roll of barrier in contractors length for $20. I nearly cried wheeling it out of the store. Here I was on my way home after a horrible two week nightmare and it isn't over as I have stuff going on at home and at my dads. My Heavenly Father knows that I am struggling with everything and he took care of that one concern for me. It saved me money and more importantly saved me stressing about going and buying it. He placed it right in my path on my way home where I didn't have to drive anywhere extra and now I have enough to finish the job and hopefully keep the cats from using it as a litter box anymore!
I know my Heavenly Father loves me when these tender mercies happen in my life. I feel very blessed today!
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