Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Beautiful Princess Five is Loving The Mission Life

Hola Hola!
This week we were waiting at a cross walk and someone yelled, "Hey, look it's the church girls!" from their car as it drove by.

We had zone conference on Tuesday! Sister companion and I did a training about being better listeners and it went super well! 

We started teaching a new friend in English class, she's so cute! After we taught her, she told us that she loves talking about Jesus and she loves Christian music, we have another appointment with her tonight, and we are so excited for that!
This last week we were knocking doors, and this man opened the door, we told him we were sharing a message about Jesus Christ, he told us that he was trying to make a big decision in his life, and that he literally just finished praying. He told us as well that he normally doesn't answer the door, but he was really glad he did. He told us that us being there in that moment was truly a miracle. We testified and told him that there was no such thing as coincidences, and that it was through his faith, from his prayer, that God was able to send us to his door. He speaks English better than his Spanish, so the next day we had a pass off lesson with the English sisters. He didn't answer our calls that morning but we decided to stop by anyway. When we got there, he told us that God was working his miracles again. He said he was nervous that morning and was planning on canceling the appointment, but soon realized he had left his phone at his cousin's house, so he was unable to cancel. He said God really wanted him to hear this message. During this lesson he shared a lot about his needs, and doubts and questions. At the end we asked him to pray for us, in his prayer he asked God to help him, so that he could build up the kingdom of God. He literally prayed for himself to become a kingdom Builder! This is every missionary's dream.

But it's been a wonderful week!

Hermana Princess Five

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