I had a first again today. Right after getting up, I rushed to the mouse traps hoping to have a dead mouse so I can sleep soundly again. Imagine my disappointment when I went from the kitchen trap to the basement trap only to find no mouse. I was about to leave the bathroom downstairs when I saw something dark in the toilet.
It was the mouse. I was in shock and have NO idea how that rather large mouse would have gotten into the toilet.
I noticed droppings on the edge of the tub last night and I left the toilet seat cover up as I thought to myself last night, "I bet that mouse is running back and forth looking for water."
Well, I don't know how I thought the mouse was going to get the water because there isn't anything that touches the toilet and I wouldn't have dreamed it could have gotten into it. However, the trap upstairs looks like something did touch and eat some and there was a dropping next to it but it wasn't sprung.
I am thinking it must have climbed the shower curtain, gotten onto the top of the closed lid garbage can and taken a running leap to cover the foot to the toilet seat and slid into the toilet that way. The water valve is an option but how it got from the water valve to the toilet bowl is anyone's guess. I think I should have set up a camera down there but who would have known.
The funnier part is I was on the phone with Princess Two at the time and tried to flush it and it was so stiff and the tail so long that it wouldn't go down. I tried again and the tail went down and that just made the mouse flip over and look at me. I felt a bit guilty about it's drowning but not really sad.
The little mouse is not quite in it's final resting place as our garbage didn't come today so it will have to wait to get to it's "cemetery" for another day. I, for one, am grateful it is no longer a squatter in my home. I did find a bit of chewed bags in the drawer and threw them out and washed the drawer but I have a feeling I will be finding remnants for awhile. He was a resident for a few days.
If you find a mouse in your house, forget buying traps and lacing them with cheese..... Just leave the toilet lid up and rid your house of any water....
You need a cat. Ours get rid of all varmints that attempt to get in the house.