This week has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I have so much going on, some of which is stressful
and other things that are wonderful and others that are both. For some reason, my Heavenly Father has sent me many blessings and signs this week to share with me how much he loves me. Even though there are some trials, He seems to compensate for those trials which may be taxing to me by sending abundant blessings.
We went camping with my family last weekend. We have been going camping that week my entire life and, before I was born, my family went before me. I lost my brakes on the way camping as the trailer brakes had a short. I said a HUGE prayer and went down a 6% grade for 5 miles in low gear dragging a 20+ foot trailer in tow praying I wouldn't end up dead over a cliff. To my great blessing, I have 4 amazing brothers and a father who all know cars. I have one brother who is an electronic Wizard. He wrote a program on his computer to test the amps going and coming from my brakes etc. Way above my head as he explained it a
ll. He also just happened to bring a deep cell extra battery that another one of my amazing brothers just happened to give him.
The brother that brought it doesn't have a trailer and was staying in a tent. He was inspired to bring and extra battery.
The brother that brought it doesn't have a trailer and was staying in a tent. He was inspired to bring and extra battery.
As it was, my battery was dead. I don't think for a minute that all this was coincidence. I believe that my battery in life is about dead. The last year with wedding, missionary, other missionary to Africa, health problems with Princess number 1, Dance competitions with Princess 3 and 4 and moving Princess 1 and 2 several times and driving Princess number 1 to all her job interviews and Dr's visits, etc has really drained my battery. Amongst that there is taking care of house, home, yard and dealing with church responsibilities and the stress of divorce in all it's forms.
However, God has blessed me that when my battery is low, He sends someone in to take over. How sup
ported do you think I felt when they took care of my brakes and gave me a new battery? I can't begin to tell you how supported and uplifted I felt. At one point, I had three people working on my trailer issues and the fourth was the one that provided the battery originally. That brother called me yesterday in a stressful moment of my life and said he had two more new batteries for me so I could have all three lined up on my trailer. The "CAT" battery that I had to replace cost me almost $300 when I bought it a few years ago. I have a solar panel on my trailer and the regulator went bad and boiled out all the acid.
I was so grateful that my brother is so willing to give me his batteries. He was blessed to get them from a company that had them as a back up system. They were never used and always charged in case of power outage . The company replaces them every two years. My Wizard brother put on a new solar power regulator so that t
he batteries won't over charge again. How did my brother know to call and offer me "Power" in the form of two batteries just when I was feeling drained yesterday? I had been up all night and had 1/2 sleep before the men came to replace my furnace. My Heavenly Father knew and prompted my brother to call just then.
I drove home from camping and my sister happened to end up behind me and had me pull over. My tire tread shredded and came off. The tire however made it home and didn't pop. It could have been a huge issue but once again, I felt a bit shredded with some things going on this week but once again, Heavenly Father had someone "Get my back" as my sister pulled up just as my tire started to shred. When I went to the tire place, they wanted almost $100 for a new tire. I said a prayer and one guy went out and came back with one tire. I had a good spare and they said they could put the tire on my spare and use my spare on the rim of the shredded tire. I had a "spare" that was new and usable when I needed it. The tire they found for my spare was less than $30 mounted.
I got a new furnace this week. It is smaller and amazing. Even though I have stresses, Heavenly Father blesses
me with power, support, balance (tire), back up, heat and love. I had an amazing week and although I don't feel ready to hold the world in my hand, He gave me enough to feel like I could hold the Moon at least.
We took an amazing hike that I will share later but on the way back from this wonderful experience for my girls and I, the moon came up. I stopped Princess number 3 and had her hold out her hand. The result was amazing so we took a few more pictures.
Yes, I do feel like I hold the Moon in my hand this week. It is the beginning of another amazing chapter in my life. Perhaps next year, I will hold the world in my hand!
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