I accidentally noticed that I had a birthday this week. It was two years ago this week that I started writi
ng this blog. In some ways, it seems much longer and in other ways, seems like no time. I will always put a tie now between Princess number 4's birthday and the blog birthday.

We pulled a fast one on Princess number four for her birthday party. She said most of her friends don't stay at school to eat so she just wanted to go out and have lunch with her sister and I. I had a busy few weeks as you know and so the day we were planning on going, I had been up late and had a full day of doing other things so I told her I would have to wait until the next week to do her lunch.
I went that morn
ing and got cake and ice cream and also bought her a gift she'd wanted to take so she would have something to open at the party. We would have our family party later but I still wanted her to have something to open at her "party."

Princess number three and I had been planning to invite all her friends to Wendy's for a few days as all those kids know every year I come on the girls birthday and serve cake and ice cream in the lunch room to her friends. They all knew there would be treats and were more than willing to come and support us in surprising her.
I got there a bit early and set everything up and Princess number 3 brought all the kids who didn't have a car or don't drive. The rest of the group drove themselves over and her good friend brought over Princess number 4 after stalling her at a locke
r for a few minutes so everyone else had time to get there.

She said "I had noooooo idea! You really got me!" and her face showed it. She is a bit red in most of the pictures but said she really enjoyed the party.
I loved it because I didn't have to clean, decorate, plan or clean up. It was great. They came, they sang, they ate and went back to school and I ended up leaving minutes later with it all cleaned up.
I was giving gratitude on my way out the door when you won't guess what I found while walking out to my car!?

This taking the birthday cake and ice cream to school on the girls birthday has been a fun one. I am glad I started it. I don't even remember why other than I think it was because during the divorce, I didn't always have the girls on th
eir birthday and wanted the actual birthday to be a wonderful day for them filled with friends, sweetness and fun.
I think they would tell you that it has been all that for them. There were a few years we were on field trips for birthdays so I always took a bag of treats and passed them out on the bus and the entire bus would sing "Happy Birthday" to the princess.
I'll celebrate the blog birthday on Monday by sharing some of my favorite posts over the two years. Have a great weekend.
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