She is turning 22 this month. She is the same age now as I was when I had her. Makes me feel old. I don't know anyone that enjoys hand written letters like anyone I know. She really enjoys writing letters as well. I on the other hand am always so busy that I usually just write an email or something. I tried to think what my missionary princess would appreciate and figured that hand written letters from loved one's would be something she would like. I found these cute "Love my missionary" cards and took them camping and had everyone write a letter. I then spent some time decorating the envelopes. I put things we joked about or things we enjoyed doing together on them along with some lyrics that she likes.
I was going to send one a d
ay to her but then thought she may get three one day and none over weekends etc. So, after thinking about it, I decided to put all of them in a package and have her open one a day up until her birthday. Then, on her birthday, she can open the t-shirt we made for her.
I had already sent a package with Easter, fourth of July, St. Patricks day and some treats in it so it was good to just send this one alone. I wanted her birthday to be special.
I appreciate everyone taking the time to write her a note and sign the shirt. She seems to be doing well. For the most part she is enjoying the food but she did say someone fed her a liver and apple sandwich and another fed her raw chicken which she flatly refused to eat and then the woman told her she was "too Skinny!" in Chinglesh.
She said the language is getting better and she can now understand about 30% of what people say to h
er which makes her happy as she isn't totally clueless anymore.
I thought how my brother signed the t-shirt was cute. "We've got your back 100%" right across the top back of her shirt. It was cute to see what everyone wrote. My nephew who also lived in Taiwan for 2 years wrote something in characters for her. I don't know that she will be able to read it but I'm sure there will be others that will get it.
I am excited for her to have something to open every day that will help her feel loved. She said she couldn't wait to open the Easter basket I sent her but forced herself to wait. This should be even harder then because she LOVES notes.
I am glad she is doing so well and the news to share is good. She did have her washing machine back up for a few weeks molding her luggage and stinking up the apartment so I know where that luggage will end up when she gets home. Oh the life of a missionary!
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