I am big into emergency preparedness. I have gotten many types of flashlights over the years. My favorite are going to be shared so you can get in on the deal.
I bought 9 or 12 LED bulb flashlights for each
of my kids emergency backpacks a few years ago. I think I paid almost $10 for each of the lights and I found these lights a few months ago at Home Depot for half that for two lights with batteries included. They have metal cases and strong magnets on the side to stick on metal. They are WONDERFUL. I like that they are magnetic so if I needed to use them on my car or on a project, I can stick them where the light will shine on the project.
I bought one for each child and several for around the house. They have magnets on them so I keep one on the fridge, one on the garage door, and one in each car. I sent one with my daughter that is serving a mission in the Philippines and one with my daughter in college.
Recently I have seen these lights for twice the price at the local grocery store and found one just this week at a discount store for the same price for one light without the magnets and metal casing. Definitely not the same quality.
They are selling a larger bag of flashlights ( a ten pack I think) also with rubber/plastic flashlights at a cheap price. The one's I bought were $4.99 with batteries included. I like the metal case and magnets but my sister and brother opted for the larger bag with more lights having smaller children that like to run off with them. Either way, it is a great deal!
A great idea for a fun family game is "Hide and seek in the dark." Each person gets a flashlight and the game is played in the same way but just in the dark. We have done this on occasion but one time my daughter got scared and kicked the door she was hiding behind giving me a huge black eye. So, if you opt for this game, you may want to wear protective gear!
I hope you feel en"lightened!"
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