I had plans to blog on some Kale I have been working on drying, blanching, freezing and still need to make Kale lemon chips. However, as I started looking at the pictures I took, scrolling through the photos of the week, I reflected on how much I do in a week.
This week, three kids have red ribbon week which m
eans each day they dress up in a different outfit. For example, tomorrow is Duct Tape day. I have one wearing a shirt completely made out of duct tape, some wearing jewelry and another decorated a t-shirt and made jewelry of duct Tape. So, we had crazy hair day yesterday (her hair was cuter when we had the pot of gold and clouds in it but she already took it apart by the time I grabbed the camera), PJ day today etc.
Monday was w
ear red day. That starts off the day hopping, then, I was out of town for one day. I have been trying to clear out my garage of unwanted items so I listed a few things for sale which means photos, descriptions, calls, and answering questions.
Halloween parties x 3 were fun with pumpkin carving and costumes.
I noticed one of my toilets leaking and didn't know that you could change a gasket and washer between the tank and the bowl. However, after $20 in supplies, I changed it on two of the toilets only to come home and find two floods. Apparently the "made in China" instructions left out that the gasket goes on the tank bolt, not sitting in the hole on the bowl. After three trips to different hardware store and another minor flood, one worker took an actual tank out and showed me where it was supposed to go which solved the problem.
Washing all the flood towels didn't add much to the already large amounts of laundry from two girls that dance 3 hours a day.
I was very ble
ssed to get several large banana squash along with a huge garbage bag full of Kale. I love kale in soups and grew it for years and always freeze it but mine didn't grow this year so I was very grateful for the kale. Cleaning, cooking, drying, baking freezing all the harvest has kept me up late nights. No complaining there as I am glad to have it.
I am on the board of directors for the local food bank and we are in the process of moving into a new building which I am helping to decorate along with getting plaques, awards etc. Calls and visits with a board meeting on Monday.
My third daughter has several things coming up where she needs at least 100 hours of service. So, she is helping with making calls, compiling lists and addressing the envelops for the upcoming food bank open house. I wrote her a script for her calls and got the numbers for the people she needs to call for addresses and emails.
I have been working on Christmas gifts as I am trying to make all their gifts this year. However, my oldest is returning from her mission to the Philippines in a few weeks and we will be having Christmas early due to the fact that the youngest girls are with their dad over the Christmas break. Some of the fun things I have been working on are personal paper dolls, utensil jewelry, charm bracelets from penny's we've squished at tourist sights, handmade afghans (made by my sweet friend Julie but we spent hours choosing yarn etc), and if I can find the time, t-shirt quilts. I have almost finished the utensil jewelry burning the midnight oil.
Along with normal homework and taxi servi
ce to study sessions and taking the girls to the house they are sitting for a friend while she is out of town, I have my youngest who wants to enter a contest for making an instrument for the Blue Man group. We worked on that one day.
Two girls dancing at halftime of the game this week and one performing in the drum line made for a few minutes to sit but trying to video and take photos at the same time doesn't make for good video or pictures. :-) I have the same issue tomorrow night when my youngest is a scarecrow in the fall review. (Just remembered I need to find her a scarecrow costume!)
Blogging and journaling this week I have fallen asleep in my chair more than once. Last night while reading a paper one had typed up for homework after we read scriptures together, I fell asleep at least 10 times while my older two girls laughed and laughed. I couldn't get through the paper until one of my sweet daughters rubbed my feet to keep me awake.
I'm sure I've forgotten lots but looking at this I can see why I am always so tired. I know one day I will miss the crazy days but for now, I look back and think, "How the heck did I do this with five girls in five different schools?"
But, as I look at the clock, I see my "times up" so have a great day!
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