On the flip side, he does SO much for others and is still working hard in the community as this past year he helped open a charter school, volunteers for our church and supports his 60+ grandchildren in any way he can. Of course, he doesn't do this alone, but has an AMAZING wife who is constantly planning events for the family and keeping us on track for our annual camping events twice a year and our annual Christmas parties where she spends the day feeding all near 100 of us depending on who shows up and whomever they decide to bring along.
With that being said, I am also EXTREMELY blessed to know that I have a LOVING Father in Heaven who takes care of the needs that I can't or my father can't and sometimes, he uses my father on earth to bless me as well.
Recently, I posted about my town car not starting when it is hot or in the sun. Here is that post. There have been so many times that the car has left me stranded. I had it worked on and since then, nothing seems to work when it is hot. I've had three mechanics look at it.
I let Princess Five take the Suzuki as I don't ever want her stranded as she has so many places to be. While I, on the other hand, can be stuck for 20 minutes waiting for help, a ride or for the air to work its way out of the line.
Last week, I was delivering some bananas and a few gifts to a friend of mine that has been in my bunko group since the beginning. We got to talking about cars. She is down to one working car. I mentioned I would love to win a car and then I could share a car. She commented that she wouldn't want one of my cars as she had been reading my blog about my car not starting. I then told her I was thinking about my Suzuki cars. I told her that we have three of them and they have not left me stranded and they are great run around cars. For the most part, the repairs have been what you would expect on any car such as tires and brakes.
As I left her house, I was thinking, I wouldn't mind having another Suzuki as Princess Four has the suburban at college and it has had a few problems including the battery wearing down for unkown reasons so the battery is dead if you don't drive it every few days. They have tried to diagnose it many times but never really figured out why it does that.
I went to a family event this past weekend as my niece is going to serve as a missionary for the next 18 months. While sitting next to my father, he leans over and whispers, "What car did you drive up here?" I told him it was one of our three Suzuki's. He whispers, "Do you want another one?"
I know my dad paid my brother something for it as it is a year newer than any we own and has 10,000 less miles than any we own and I am sure he could have gotten $1,000 out of it. But, my dad won't tell me how much he paid and my brother won't betray my dad so on Sunday, my dad drove the car to our family gathering, he had some supplies I may need to charge the air conditioner which tends to be an issue with some Suzuki cars. I charged the air conditioning on the car and drove it home. The car worked GREAT including the air conditioning which to me is HEAVEN!
You won't guess what was one of the only things in the dash of the car!!! Yes, a single penny!!!! I just laughed and smiled when I got into the car. I had to tell my girls who were driving the other Suzuki home about it.
It had just had an oil change and two high quality tires put on the front as well. Those alone would have been a few hundred dollars. The ENTIRE way home, I just kept being amazed and how the desires of my heart are know by my father in Heaven and how he finds ways to bless me with those desires. I am sure if I had thought I wanted another type of car, I would have gotten that type of car.
I KNOW who owned this car so I don't have to worry that it wasn't taken care of. I KNOW how these cars work and know their flaws and problems and am comfortable with the maintenance and fixing them up. I am completely comfortable in giving this car to Princess Four who is at college and needs a reliable car that she can bring home for visits as the gas for the suburban is much too expensive to drive home for weekends.
I was getting tired while driving the three hours home so I started checking things out to stay awake and when I opened the center storage box, I got a big grin when I saw all this change!!!
I think they left it there just so I could know that God had his hand in this. All those reminders to "Trust in God!" just staring at me from the center of the car! No one can tell me that I don't have a Father who LOVES me on this earth and in Heaven. My dad wasn't feeling well yet he worked on some things on the car and drove it forty minutes to meet me with it so we could drive it home.
Thanks to both of my Fathers, I would say our family has a healthy Esteem!!!!! Gotta love God's sense of humor in giving me four cars with the word Esteem in them! Perhaps it is so each girl could have their own "Esteem" from their Grandfather!
Now for the hard part.... Teaching Princess Four to drive a stick shift manual car this weekend! Should be fun!!!! I am truly blessed!!! I thanked my brother for his generosity in giving us the car. I called to give gratitude to my dad today for all he did in giving us the car and for making sure it was in good condition. I have also given gratitude to my Father in Heaven for his part in getting us this car!! I LOVE both of my fathers!!!!
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