I don't know if you noticed that I changed the title of this post and made it a little different than I have for the other parasite posts. I added the word "Blessings" in the title as I am learning that my being able to figure out that all the problems are related to parasites is a huge blessing. Over the past few months, I have spoken to so many neighbors, family, and friends about this and they all have symptoms!

Sunday, I went to a welcome home meal for a friend returning from serving as a missionary. I have been having horrible problems with my eyes this past week. I shared that I woke in the night to a lightning bolt of light in my right eye last week. I now have a blind spot in that eye.
Every day this week, I feel like someone is shooting little spit wads in front of my eyes going in all directions and sometimes I will actually see a little black thing moving fast. When I go outside, I can see hundreds of things moving fast all over my eyes and it makes me dizzy with all the motion.
I actually thought I was going to faint on Sunday as I led the music at church and prayed I wouldn't make a scene. I actually fell going into my house after church and thought I broke my knee cap for a few seconds. It has been sore to move for days now. With that delay after church, I was late getting to the dinner for the missionary as I was bawling like a baby after falling being scared about my eyesight and general health wondering if I was going to end up blind, damaged lungs, and if I will ever get rid of these horrid things.

She mentioned something about seeing flashing things in the corner of her eyes. My ears perked up. Her husband was sitting by that point and said she had been to the eye Dr. and he said nothing was wrong but she sees thing moving in the sides of her eyes and has seen flashes of light. I asked if she "runs out of air when she sings?" and she said she does. I remembered that when I was helping them move, she mentioned her husband has had some chest / stomach problems and I thought to myself, "I wonder if he has the parasite so many seem to have." I asked about his pain and he said he went to the Dr about chest pain and they told him he was fine. I asked if it felt like someone heavy was sitting on his chest and he said it did. I asked if he had any rashes. He said he had one in his hair and the Dr. prescribed antibiotics but it didn't clear it up and he realized after a few months that it was cyclical. I asked about a dry cough and he said he does get those as well.

Because of what his wife said about the eye problems, it just reinforced my belief that my eye problems are from the parasites. I figured I had better be seen in case my flash of light is a retinal detachment. I also wanted to know what was going on before I met with the specialist this week.
I called the eye Dr and asked if they could fit me in due to he blind spot and flashing lights. They told me to come right over but warned I would have to wait awhile. I went and while waiting, I saw the cute idea of making a frame with chalk paint and stenciling the words, "Most likely to..." on the frame and then letting people write what they want and then holding it in front of their faces. I thought that would be a cute prom idea or wedding idea.

While waiting in the exam room, I was saddened by thoughts of my friend Ruth and her husband that passed away, (See a post about that here) as it was her husbands practice. They still have his diploma and certificates on the wall and it brought many thoughts to my mind. The picture at the top is her husband examining one of my children. I can't help thinking that I probably didn't want to see that anyway and with my eyes dilated, everything was blurry but who wants to see things that remind them of loved-ones lost.
I was happy to hear that my retina isn't detaching. I was saddened to see that my eyesight has deteriorated significantly. I have never needed glasses except while pregnant in nursing school. Other than that time, I haven't ever worn them. Until two months or so ago, I could see very clearly. Now, one eye was 20/70 and the other was 20/50 and even though I could "read" what was there, I couldn't see it clearly. Lately, I will have to ask my kids to read things to me at the house.

I arrived home somewhat relieved but somewhat sad that I will have a blind spot for the rest of my life and it may get worse. There isn't anything they can do as if they mess with it, it can cause retinal detachment.So, I was stressed about this and figuring how many people are suffering from these type of problems and another friend of mine just came to mind. She told me she has the symptoms of running out of air etc and I just remembered that she was diagnosed with "macular degeneration" a few years back. I wonder if the parasites had something to do with that problem she has.

A double rainbow. It took me back to my last court date when I was moving Princess Three to college the same day and I walked out to a double rainbow in nearly the same spot. (Click here for that post.) If they were behind the house, I wouldn't have seen them. They were right in front of me both times and both times, I was stressed and worried about life and my future. He is so good to reassure me that all will be "OK."

I wanted to share that as the parasite load in my body increases, so has my weight. Each month I have gone to the Dr, the past three months, I have gained 2-5 lbs a month. I eat one larger healthy meal a day and then yogurt, and banana once a day and some granola or grain crackers. That is it most days. It seems that the more parasites you have, the larger you get.
This is a blessing in a way as I know that if I can figure it out, it will bless many people in my town, state and who knows where else. Just coming up with the peroxide soak alone will help diagnose many. I thought a few weeks back that perhaps I could patent some of the ideas for testing and treatments and make some money but my Heavenly Father let me know this week that I need to give all the information I have out freely as he gave it to me freely. I will be posting some other things that I have come up with on diagnosis testing and some treatment things I have been trying to help speed up the process and pray that we will be able to come up with some cure for this awful little parasite that at the moment is moving around near my heart causing burning and others are crawling around my diaphram area litterally "creeping me out." so with this long post, I want to share one last blessing.
In the end, I am sure this parasite nightmare will bless many lives including those of my family and friends. I KNOW I had to have the super infection so I could document symptoms from every area. Before, I only had lung and thyroid issues with a few bumps in the throat. If I hadn't gotten the massive infection, I wouldn't have probably figured it out. The white blood count would have continiued to increase and I am sure I would end up with the Leukemia diagnosis my mother has and be on oxygen 24/7 like she is. So, really, this is a blessing to me as well if I can figure out a way to stop the progression and heal what can be healed.
So from now on, I hope I can always look at this like a blessing and focus on that rather than the nightmare of it all! I hope we can all TRUST in Him in all we do.
how are you doing with your strongyloides? any progress with treatment? I just tested positive and blogged about it here howirecovered.com/strongyloides-stercoralis
ReplyDeleteKind regards
Hi Eric, I will be posting my latest in the next few days. as I go see the Dr. in the morning. It actually, isn't strongyloides... Horsehair or nemotamorpha - gordian worm. I'll share this week about it all. Thanks for your link and information hopefully it will help others and I still may have a type of strongylides with this other parasite but we need to do more testing. I'll keep you informed.
Deletehello owner blog, i got this case more then a year already. I dont know how to treat, sometime i smell badly in my nose too. i spending alot of $ my pocketed out but still keep infected hoizz. im is men just 26 years old and I catholic too.....please please help me little bit. Im really really appreciate it
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that I don't have any way to help you. I haven't found a cure and am still dealing with this myself. I will keep doing updates on my blog, my YouTube channel and my website called: horsehairinhumans.com
DeleteI wish you the best. Have a blessed day!