While we were camping last week, it rained one afternoon. We had the pavilion to sit beneath and play games while it stormed.
My oldest brother got a group of the kids together and played a game using words.It is similar to hang man and mastermind.
The person that is "it" picks a word. Write the alphabet across the top of the paper.
The people playing, take turns guessing words that it could be. The person that is "it" tells them how many of the letters are in the word he chose out of the word they guessed.
You can see that someone guessed the word "Shark" and there was one letter in the word "Shark" that was in the word the "It" person picked.
In the end, there are only the letter in the "word" left. Then, they need to figure out what the word is by putting together the remaining letters.
You can see to the right that the letters that were left were ptrni. In this case, the word my brother chose was "print."
I thought it was a clever way to play a game with just a paper and pen and a group of people. Whoever guesses the "Word" gets to pick the next word and the game continues.
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