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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
On our road trip to show Princess Exchange Student some fun things in the west, we found a winner. Because we were in the car so long, Princess number three started teaching our Spanish Princess how to speak in West Coasteze! She got her speakin proper like. I laughed so hard when they had her saying "moutin" and "riva" etc.
During the drive, they kept coming up with fun words to teach her that aren't said as they are spelled and it was cute to hear he try and mimick our accent. When we arrived at one of our destinations, we couldn't resist taking a photo of her with the sign, "Redneck Spoken Here!" for they spent hours teaching her how to speak it.
We ended up at Kennecott Copper. It was five dollars to get it and they donate all proceeds to charity. There is a gift store where I found these cute penny bracelets. I almost bought one but decided I had a better idea which I will post about soon, so decided against buying it. There was an interesting movie about how they make the copper and process it and what it is used for and how the company cleans up the old mines and donated to the community. They have one of those penny Squishing machines and you can choose from one of four designs. I had everyone make one and one of the designs is a rounded copper mine outline with "One Hell of a Hole" printed on it. I thought it was funny to see which penny each person picked. They have a museum where we spent some time exploring. They have microscopes with different minerals that come out of the mine so you can view them. They show the history of the mine and what the products are used for and how. They have a huge tire out front you can stand next to so you can get an idea of how large the mine trucks really are. I also took a picture of one of the trucks next to a large pick up so you could get a perspective of the huge size of the actual truck. It looks like a toy car next to a real car.
I also too a picture at no magnification to the left. The pit is so deep that everything a the bottom looks like ants as they are so small. I then too a picture on 200 zoom of a bus that is at the bottom of the pit. In the above photo, you can see a circle in the middle. On the inside of that circle there is a bus and two porta johns. The picture to the right, it is the same spot with the magnification. It will give you an idea of how deep the pit really is as you can't even see the bus in the photo above and to the left. Crazy how deep it is.
The girls had a good time and Princess exchange student also enjoyed seeing the huge truck, museum and buying some jewelry at the store run by the Lions club as a fund raiser. We helped two charities out by visiting then as our group spent quite a bit in the gift shop. If you are ever headed that way, it was worth the stop. There is no cell service so make your calls early and, it is against their policy to have anyone use a cell while operating a motor vehicle on the property if you could get reception anyway. Also, if you go, take pennies and quarters for the penny squishing machine. They all enjoyed cranking the machine.
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