As I was driving out to visit my friend for my birthday that night, (see part 1) I pulled up to a traffic light to find this car in front of me. I had to take a photo. God does want me to know I should trust in Him.
I have to go back about a week or two to give you the background of how amazing this event is for my sister.
My sister traded out some dental work to make some foam clothes for the dentist and his family. These clothes are made of 1/2 inch thick foam. I have sewed a set for each of my family and also bought a set of commercially made clothes for my family. They keep you warm in freezing temperatures without collecting water and sweat. If there were an earthquake in the winter, these would be something you would want to own for your family. I will post about foam clothes another day but just wanted to let you know why my sister needed a commercial sewing machine.
When making my set, I drove 3 hours to use another wo
man's commercial sewing machine that has a motor strong enough to get through thick fabrics. My sister told me a few weeks ago she needed to get this clothing made. She was going to borrow a machine but the people didn't want her to take the machine out of their house. For her with 5 children still at home, the hours needed to make the clothing would keep her away from home for hours, days at a time. I also told her she shouldn't borrow a machine unless she could replace it and they are thousands of dollars.

My sister called me a week ago from a second hand store to look up
a machine that she found there. It turned out it was a button machine only sewing on buttons. That in itself, used and missing parts, was $100 + so her hopes were fading fast that she would be able to sew at home. I told her to have faith that God would help her find a machine.
Fast forward to the evening of my birthday dinner. I am sitting at the counter visiting with my friend and she starts to say something and hesitates and then finishes saying, "You don't know anyone that would want my mothers industrial Bernina sewing machine?" I laughed and laughed and she asked what was so funny. I told her to hold on while I dialed my sisters number. Not that I wasn't tempted to keep it for myself. Her mother sewed several dresses for me on that machine but I knew exactly where God and her mother wanted that machine to go.
I got my sister on the phone and asked her what she told me she wanted the other day. She was quiet until I told her it was why she called me from the second hand store. She told my friend and I she had been looking for an industrial sewing machine.
My girlfriend asked her when she could come and pick it up and my sister said she would leave "NOW!"
My friend and I went down and pulled the large desk and machine out of her basement and took it to the front door with a little help from her husband. She also asked if I wanted the swivel rocking chairs. My sister did want them so after driving the 45 minutes to get there, my sister had her industrial sewing machine.
As we were loading the machine into her car, I looked down and in the back of the car right next to the machine
was a penny. I don't know if it dropped out of the machine while we were loading it or perhaps out of the chairs but I told my sister that she couldn't unload the sewing machine until I had a picture of the penny next to the machine! It was one dirty penny!
I think the license plate and the penny were a reminder for my sister as well. She trusted Him and I try to constantly remind myself to trust Him and he continues to amaze me almost daily.
My "found coins" container is getting fuller by the day. I often wonder how I can be so blessed.
I know my friends mom had a hand in getting the machine to someone who would use it often. My friend hadn't used it in 12 years but felt good about letting it go and she said that thought had been going through her mind for about two weeks. Just the same amount of time when I had been talking to my sister about trusting that God would help her find one rather than borrowing one.
He loves us all and enjoys helping us each get the things we need and want if we will just Trust in Him.
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