I can't begin to tell you how blessed I am in life. I try to share it with you but I wonder if I ever get the point across. Today, Princess number 3 got her drivers licence. It is a big day for her. For some reason she hasn't cared to drive. She even had to get a new learners permit to be able to drive with me because her old one expired because she had it so long.
Princess number one had our stick shift car out of town for a job interview and Princess number three didn't want to drive a suburban and try to parallel park in the "beast" of a car. So, we resorted to borrowing my nieces car while she was at cheer practice this morning.
This is what greeted us when we got into the car this mo
rning. My sweet niece had written a bunch of Post-it notes telling my daughter the tricks of her car.

We practiced letting her drive the car some and did a few parallel parks and she was off to get her licence. I on the other hand was not! I realized yesterday when she was in taking her written test for the second time (her first expired) that my licence was going to expire on my birthday this month. I took in a copy of my social security card and my birth certificate but for some reason they didn't accept the birth certificate pocket size that I had. So, Princess number three comes back and gets her license and I had to return later to get mine.
Since my sweet niece let us borrow the car, we wanted t
o do something nice. We took the car to get the rear view mirror attached and washed and cleaned the car before returning it. As I was cleaning it, I looked up and this is what I saw. I had never seen anything like that on the roof of a car. I thought it was cute.

We also left a bouquet of homemade suckers in the cup holder with a note to thank her for letting us use her car.
I noticed whi
le washing the inside of the car that the odometer was at 111 plus. I laughed and mentioned this to Princess number 3 and she asked if I saw the number yesterday when she went to take her written test? I said I didn't. She said she was customer 111 yesterday! We both thought that was funny and she took a photo of the odometer on her phone.
What was even funnier to me was when I was vacuuming the car out, you won't guess what I found! OK, so you probably did guess that I found 2 pennies! Yes, our Heavenly Father sure does love us and reminds us all the time.
Last week I bought some sushi at Costco and laughed that my customer number starts with 111 and the address of the Costco I shopped at was 111 in the address. Two 111's on one receipt.
Princess number 5 and I were walking out of WalMart a few days ago and I saw a penny and pointed it out to my youngest and I told her she could start a jar and keep her found money in it and she said, "Yes, but YOU found it." just then, she found one and I laughed and said, "Heavenly Father must have wanted you to know He loves you and you should trust Him also!" She smiled and started her own jar of "found money" this week.
How blessed we are! As I was about to hit "post" I noticed that today is 8-11-11. Another bunch of 1111's to remind me He loves me! :-)
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