When I had my first Princess, I got the baby bath and
back then they had the long flat baths. I put it in my tub and washed the baby and had such a back ache and knee ache that I thought that was such a stupid idea.

The next bath time, I tried the kitchen sink and counter. That was such an ordeal and several times the baby got slippery with soap and shampoo (she had a ton of hair) that I almost let her slip out of my hands. That option was then out.
As you know by now if you have read many of my posts, you know that I ponder thing often. I seek out a solution to many every day things asking myself how can I make this task faster or easier.
After not much pondering, I came up with showering the baby with me. I would get her little baby chair ready by putting a blanket on first and then I would put a towel in it. It didn't take more than once by putting a wet, warm baby into towels and blankets to learn that I needed to add a diaper to the mix.
I do
n't have any photos of the actual "set up" but this is the chair I used. Put a blanket in first, then a towel, I usually had several of the hooded baby towels I made so I would use one of those so I could keep them warm. I then would put a diaper down.

Next, I would undress myself and the baby and then turn on the water and make sure it was the right temperature. I would pick up the baby and NEVER let her go once I had her in this position. I would cradle her in my arm and with that same hand I would wrap my hand around her outer leg with a vice grip and once I was in the shower, I didn't let go of that leg until she was washed and I was placing her in the carrier covered with the towel.
With her in that hold, I would wash her hair from the back and rinse it from the back, then I would turn and wash the bottom and between the legs, then up under the arms and neck etc.
Once she was washed, I would open the shower, stick her in the chair making sure to pull the diaper up around her and wrap her well in the towel and blanket. It never failed to put them to sleep. They would sleep while I finished showering myself.
My chil
dren were never afraid of showers as almost any child I have ever tended or baby sat has been. They weren't afraid to swim either. They were used to getting their face a bit wet and I never bathed them at home unless they were older or it was a social event with bubble and toys. Most of the photos I have of my children in the bath are from friends when they were visiting someone as in both of these photos.

As we talked about it today, the girls all talked abo
ut how the enjoyed taking showers and would play in the shower until the water ran cold sometimes. The other blessing is that once they are old enough to sit, you can just let them play in the shower with you until they are old enough to shower alone. We have always taken showers every night before bed as a routine and I have never worried about any of my children drowning in the tub because they never did take a bath unless they were older or with friends for fun.

I know two people personally that have had children drown in the tub. One was saved and the other was not. The only option I used was the shower option as it saved my peace of mind, my back and knees, helped my children enjoy water and it conserves water as well!
Always watch your children when they are around water. Try this at your own risk as there are risks with any option. For me, this was the best option. Children can drown in as little as two inches of water. There are 100 deaths a year in the U.S. of children under five due to drowning in bathtubs! Here is a link to an article on it.