I once again have had a crazy day that took on an element that I hadn't planned. I have been helping my father sort his history and organize his files. He, like many of his age, hoarded papers. He had many boxes of items and each box had the same things in it.

I don't know that he will ever be able to get through all of that, but I am proud of him that he has gotten through probably 10 boxes. I sorted the things I was going through down to about ten boxes when I took them home a few weeks back.
The past few days, I have been able to sort the ones I took down to three boxes! It feels super good to be able to organize all the stuff into plastic containers so that if the office floods again ever, the most important stuff will be safe.

It is crazy how much time I have spent over the years sorting papers for both of my parents. I hope that I am getting near to the end of the sorting and will be VERY happy once I can get the scanning done.
Have a blessed and organized Day!
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