I LOVED decorating and having parties for all our friends every year, I would do a costume couples party and a Valentines couples party annually. I don't know that I missed many years of parties and I really enjoyed dressing with "themes" for the parties.
For many years, I would make costumes for the entire family that matched the kids "collections" and we would get a family picture done each year in our costumes and use them for our Christmas Cards. One year our family were "The Wizard of Oz" characters. Other years we were, Snoopy, Pooh, Sesame Street, and Warner Brothers Characters.
Once our family had done all our "collection" costumes, it was really a "free for all" when it came to Halloween.
It is interesting to see the girls tastes change as they got older but I love that they are so cute and happy in all the pictures. The only one where there isn't a smile is from Princess Five when she went as "Wednesday Adams" and was being in "character" with the grumpy face!
It didn't take me as long as I thought it would to find the pictures to post on here as I started to organize my pictures into files and upload them but got side tracked about 2010. I would really like to get back to that but you know how my life is presently.
Sometimes we have picked up stragglers when the girls would go out trick or treating, and all are welcome to join in.
For the past few years, Princess Five has not gone out but has gone to a friends and made doughnuts but I think she is contemplating actually going out with some friends this year. I know she has realized she has grown up and is graduating this year.
Some of her friends parents won't allow them to go past age 12 but we know the neighbors and have lived in this neighborhood since she was born and they love her so I figure they should get to go until they graduate as I enjoy seeing my friends kids in costume every year.
One of my favorite memories of Halloween was when I was a senior and I went out with friends in the neighborhood I lived in most of my life and I had SO much fun going out with the group of kids I did.
I am going to do what I did last year and give out jewelry or candy, their choice. It was SUCH a hit last year I may get more than normal visitors due to the uniqueness of my "treat" which is fine with me as I have about 50 lbs of jewelry bagged and ready to go. Here is a post about my handing out the jewelry last year.
I love that Princess Four will be home with me this year helping to hand out the candy and jewelry and we talked about dressing up so I'll have to share what we decide on that.
I hope your Halloween is a safe and happy one!
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