When I talked to Princess about it, she asked if it had a groove to be able to hook it to a treadle machine and it does. So, if she can find an empty case at some point, she can then use it as a pump instead of a crank. Over the years, I have seen several cases for sale and just about six months ago, one second hand store had two for sale.
I looked up online several shops to purchase new bobbins and leather strapping to attach it to the treadle and both can be found new.
I couldn't find a hand crank for my treadle however. They sell new one's you can use even on your regular machine but I also couldn't find any original bobbins. So, I guess she will have to purchase some newer remake bobbins. I have enough if I ever did need to use it I would be ok.
After some research, my machine was manufactured in Germany and the records of exactly when it was made are lost from the war. Princess's was made in another country and is a bit newer than mine most likely. Both are similar and in wonderful shape.
When I got it home, I thought I could just lubricate it and get it going in an hour or so. I planned on staining the cabinet and lubing it but when I got home, every part was welded to the next with hard sticky oil that had solidified.
I spent well over 12 hours working on it and made a video with the main description of the part that was stuck.I was up until 6 a.m. getting it going. Works like a charm now.
I realized after that I didn't work or try the bobbin winder and I probably should make sure that works before giving it to her.
Once I finished with that, I used "Old English" furniture polish on it. With some of the oil I was using to lubricate falling on the wood, I could see it was starving for moisture. I used the darker polish and it stained the cabinet and brought it back to the darker color that the cabinet was originally.
I polished the machine with oil and oiled all parts. It looks beautiful. Most of the ones on Ebay had rusty parts. I am not sure why the cover plates on this one are black and most of the others are metal that has rusted but I think the black paint on them has kept them from rusting.
It was a great find and I feel grateful to have found it for Princess One. I know she will be excited when she opens it and sees how wonderful the machine is.
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