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I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
Welcome to my page! I had a friend suggest I start a blog as she thinks of me often when she reads other blogs. So, thanks to Sara, I hope we all enjoy this journey.
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." D & C 78:19
Princess Three has a "Snoopy" collection. You would think with how long Snoopy has been around that she would have a huge collection. For some reason, they made lots of Snoopy things but not many of the other characters like they did with Sesame Street or Pooh. They have all sorts of characters and everyone has their "favorite" character that they collect. I think that because those other groups are all animals, that is why they had such appeal. In Sesame Street, it was the animals that were the big draw as in Pooh, they were the draw more than Christopher Robin or the actual people that were on Sesame Street so perhaps, that is why Snoopy is the big pull in the Peanuts group. If he would have made the same story with animals in the place of the people, my guess is there would be more stuffed animals etc.
After we finished the puzzle I posted about yesterday, we did this Peanuts puzzle I found at the same time hoping all the pieces would be there.
The reason I loved this puzzle was that it is unlike any other puzzle I have ever done. It has three types of pieces so that all ages can do the puzzle at the same time. In all my years of doing puzzles, I have never seen that. I would think I would have at least seen one at a store somewhere, but no.
You can see on the box how they have the different sized pieces listed. I also like that they have the larger pieces on one end and the smaller on the more difficult end so that families with little one's can do it at the same time. It is a brilliant idea and I do hope it takes off as I think Princess Five would be more apt to puzzle with me if she could do bigger pieces on a difficult puzzle. We were disappointed to see that the puzzle was missing a piece. I figured I would put my puzzle piece making into action as we could keep the puzzle for her collection and do it with the grand-kids etc.
I used the same method I did on the other puzzle and made a piece but since I needed to color it, I used a white piece of cardboard hoping that the white would take the color better than a brown piece. I used the box of the flag puzzle and cut out the piece size I needed and then I thought I could use the Sharpies as I have so many colors, I figured one would match. As you can see, one looked promising and I used it to fill in the piece. However, it was dull as the paint on the puzzle was shinny. I then had the thought that I could just mix paint and paint the piece to match and so I went to my paint bin and pulled out all the little paints I had from the "paint by number" sets that we have done. I found one that was the perfect color. If you need it a little darker, add black and if you need it a little lighter, add white. Somethings I have learned when I purchase my miss matched paint for the house. They always add white or black to lighten or darken the paint.
I found the exact color of the paint as you can see in the bottom bottle in the picture. I go ahead and paint it forgetting that as paint dries, it gets darker. By the time I had painted it and it dried, I think I would have been fine to just leave the Sharpie painted one but I am learning with each now thing I do.
I could have tinted the paint lighter and repainted the piece but I gave up as I don't think she would ever display the entire puzzle and it would be more for just doing for fun with the family so I didn't worry about it. It isn't perfect but from far away, I think you would have to look hard to find it. I just thought I would share the options of markers, colored pencils, paints or crayons to color puzzle pieces. Have fun however you decide to do it. :-)
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