I showed you the wallet Princess Three made after seeing the one Princess One made years ago. This one I found at a Duck Tape display. Someone had made a few items and put them on the top of the display to help sell the tape. It had the "Sticky Velcro" on the top inside flap and on the front so the wallet could close but I think the velcro would probably pull off with much use. However, I think you could probably use big stitches and sew the velcro on the wallet. I thought the color scheme they used was creative and it was a cute project.

Or, you could just take a used wallet or an old one you have and just cover it with tape. Either way, it would work but I think covering the older wallet may prove to work better for the clasp situation.
Thanks for being patient with me while I spend time with Princess One and the grand-baby! I'll post pictures soon.
I know you probably aren't as excited about this as I am but I am praying mom and baby both come out well and we get to enjoy both!
Oh, by the way, Happy Valentines day! Hoping you are spending it with someone you love. I sure hope I am spending it with Grand-princess ONE!
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