I wrote a post about how last time the girls were together, I worked on a fair way to settle the items in the house that all the girls may want. To read about those first two posts, click on the links below.
See the first post here.
See the second post here.
This weekend with the holiday, all the kids were down and since we had the main lists of items done, I figured we needed to break down the other items. Things that they all wanted.
So, I pulled out all the Hot Wheel cars. I dumped them on the table. Yes, I did literally dump them which was not great for the table or the cars but I am so glad to be getting things organized and out of the house.
Not sure why I feel that way but I really do feel like I want to simplify everything and have it all settled so later it won't be an issue. I am sure it is all I have had to do with my own mom's stuff like I have explained, but anyway, it is done!
It was interesting to see who remembered what car. I was shocked to learn that Prince number one NEVER played with hot wheel cars. He is almost thirty so that was strange to me as he has lots of brothers in his family, I would have thought they would have boxes as it is for us with Barbies.
After we started counting, the cars went quickly and each girl seemed to be extremely happy with the cars they acquired.
The older girls obviously took the older cars they had memories with, and the younger girls, took more of a variety such as a boat, a helicopter, an ambulance, a fire truck etc.
I was shocked to see that we had some Hot Wheel cars from the late sixties and seventies. I told the girls that the older cars were of value but most just liked the different cars that opened doors, trunks, had lights, popped open etc. To see some of the prices you can get for your old "Hot Wheel" cars, Click this link.
The first sort was the Barbies that each girl "got" for gifts and then the one's they all got. The older girls played with the older one's and the younger girls played with the newer so there wasn't much of an issues. This left the younger two without many sets as we stopped buying them and told people to not give them any more as we had so many.
The girls were a bit sad that I got rid of several sets when I cleaned out a few years ago. I couldn't keep everything and got rid of the bigger items such as the beach pool, Ferris wheel, several cars like the jeep and corvette. With this many girls, I could have filled the closet with just Barbie stuff.
They each then chose from the extra bags of clothes, hats, shoes until they all had what they wanted. I kept about five barbies and the left over small bag of extra clothes for my house.
As you can see by the smiles on their faces, they were all happy with what they got and it was nice that they now know what they can take when they want and there won't be any hard feelings later because they all know it was as fair as possible.
I put labels on each box of cars and dolls for the younger girls and put them in their closets except for the youngest which I left where she could get to them with her friends if needed.
Princes number one and her Prince then got out the "Fisher Price" little people toys that she got in the "List" meeting and decided that she wanted to take them now for when they have friends over with kids. She took her little Fisher Price Vacuum as well. I was THRILLED to have them gone. The cars, Barbies and Little People sets being gone, gave me two empty shelves and a few less bins in the toy closet.
Oddly enough, they all ended up with most of what they wanted. It is funny how that works out.
I was worried it may put a strain on the weekend but it was a really nice weekend for us all.
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