I laughed as I hung up the phone and told my princess what day and time her appointment was. I felt like my Father in Heaven was telling me that she would be OK. While on our way to the Dr. We stopped at a store and I got out and walked towards the store and blowing in front of me on the ground was this dollar bill. I picked it up and turned around walking backwards and showed the girls what I found. I told them I felt like it was a BIG "Trust in God" moment. Like finding 100 pennies all at once!
Today, I also had a long day. I took a long field trip with Princess number five. It will probably be my last field trip so I was glad I enjoyed it so much and Princess five said she did as well.
She told me she was going to play the part and was so excited. They went to a park in the hosting city and had lunch and then put on the play. They had basic costumes but by actually acting out the play, it made it easier for them to understand it better when we watched it.
It was a wonderful production. I have actually never been a fan of Shakespeare and have seen many movies and several plays but this rendition of Hamlet actually was wonderful and if all Shakespeare was like that, I would probably like it all.
Princess five made a wonderful Ophelia. She had her herbs in her hand in the photo to the right. In the photo below and to the left, she was practicing during dress rehearsal. Doesn't she have a wonderful death pose? She really did a great job with the part.
She said that watching the professional play really made her want to be an actress.
I have no doubt, she will be amazing at whatever she chooses to "Be, or Not to Be!"
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