My youngest daughter told me this week that she wan
ted to cut her hair. She has had trims in her life but nothing like this. She trusted me to cut her hair which maybe wasn't the best thing because it usually takes me a couple of inches to get everything even.
r, she wanted to either sell her hair or donate it as all her sisters have to "Locks of Love" for making wigs for children without hair. I took pictures of us measuring her hair and she wanted it to be just below her shoulders.
I cut it just below her shoulders. The front hairs wh
en parted on the side, don't quite reach a ponytail so she is hoping it will grow fast as she likes her hair parted on the side.
All in all, she looks adorable and it was a change for her from the usual braids, bun and other ways she wore her long hair. It was done just before our latest photo shoot which made things nice as she wanted to "show off" her new hair. I think it makes her look older. They grow so quickly.
I was thinking back
while cutting it and all of my girls cut off their hair in middle school. My hair was cut a little only one time before I was in middle school. I guess we just like long hair in our family. I think it is much easier to pull up than to have to curl it but it is nice to have change once in awhile.
If you have never checked out "Selling hair" online, here is a link to see some crafts they do with the hair and some photos and information on selling hair. Very interesting stuff. Anyone interested in taking up the trade and buying her hair?
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