I had set the girls up on chairs in a shady spot and then realized I had forgotten to bring in money for the tubes. The park slides and lazy river aren't any fun unless you have tubes. I said a quick prayer that the Lord would provide us 4 tubes so the girls would be able to ride the river. I turned not 10 seconds after saying the prayer and there was $10 on the ground next to me. I asked around and no one claimed the money.
When you rent the tubes, they give you a wrist band and when you return the tube you get $2.50 back. So, I approached several people who were walking toward the redemption booth and asked if I could buy their 4 tubes for $10. They gave us the tubes.
The girls had a great day riding the slides and we took turns on the tubes. I realized then however that I could have asked the Lord for 5 tubes and then we could all have had fun on the tubes. I have learned that when I limit the Lord in what I ask for, he gives me just what I ask for.
When I ask him to solve a problem and don't give a solution as to how I think it should be solved, he always surpasses what I would have done or expected. I have several situation

So, I found a wrist band on the way out of the park and I kept it to put on my gratitude frame. The little pink person riding on the inner tube down the slide.... It is a reminder that God answers prayers sometimes as quickly as you can ask them and also that I should remember to not limit what He can do.
Put Him to the test. Always give gratitude for what you do have first, then ask Him for what you need or would like and allow Him to work miracles in your life! Don't give him a time limit. Be happy with the outcome either way. Just giving gratitude allows you to realize that you are blessed if you get what you asked for or not.
Whenever I feel myself wanting something or feeling sorry for myself for not having a nicer whatever, (lets use car for example) I start giving gratitude that I have a car that runs, has heat and air conditioning, has a radio, etc. Then, I picture the car I would like to have. It doesn't matter if I get it or not, it matters that I gave gratitude for what I have.
As a loving Father in Heaven, God wants us to have the desires of our hearts but he wants us to be grateful for what He has given us and appreciate Him and give the praise to Him.
Does it matter if I get a new car? No. What matters is that I am grateful for what He provides for me. However, if my child tells me how grateful they are for what I have given them and then tell me of their dreams for other things, I am sure going to try to help them with their dreams if I feel appreciated.
Give God a try! He loves you. He is your Father! Happy Miracles!
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