There hasn't been one court date in 8 years that I have come out of court and turned on the radio and this song has come on. There have been many court dates yet each time, this song comes on before I am home from court.
This song continues to come on the radio or in some other form just when I need it.
Through the years, other songs come on and something tells me they are just for me.
With others, as in the movie "Patch Adams," they have sign
s such as a butterfly. For my sister it is snowflakes. Another friend, it is apples. Still another is dragonflies. What is your sign that God loves you?

This morning I woke up to the radio. My daughter often comes in to turn off the alarm but every so often I get the feeling that the song is for me so I ask her to let it play. Today was one of those feelings. When the chorus came on, "Jesus loves you more than you will know." I had such a good feeling and knew that it was true for me. It got me pondering on how whenever I need it, God finds a way to get me the song, "The Middle" by "Jimmy Eat World." He even got me free tickets to see them in concert. Here is the ticket stub as seen on my "gratitude frame" above. I thought that would be what I would blog about today how God lets me know He loves me using a song.
As we got out of the car and headed into church today, my daughter says, "Jimmy." I notice the car in front of us is a "Jimmy" and she didn't say anything else. I just felt reassured that I was supposed to share with you that God does know us.
My oldest daughter went to a "Jimmy Eat World" concert while at college. These were pictures off her phone file. There were three photos. This photo just happened to come up right as my blog was finished and ready to post. Wasn't that a funny time for a call? It just reinforced the thoughts I had that God wanted me to post this information today. I hope it helps you know he is aware of each of us and what is going on in our lives.
I had a friend read this and he said he tried it and it was very hard for him because he felt he was "sign seeking."
This is not seeking a sign. This is a child asking a parent to reassure them of His love. If my daughter asked me to show her I loved her, I would do ANYTHING I could to show and tell her I love her. How much more does our Heavenly father know and love us? I hope you take this challenge and that you post a little note saying how God let you know He loves you!
I had been wishing I had some pictures from the concert or something so I could use them for the blog but didn't have any. I had just finished writing this blog and got a phone call. As I was on the phone, my screen saver came on and started rotating through pictures. This picture came up. I have never seen this picture and scrolled back to see what it was. I looked closely and was in shock when I saw the faint "Jimmy" through the smoke and lights. I quickly went through the files on my computer that I didn't take.

God is a loving Father in Heaven and He knows each of us and who we are. WE are the ones who block him from letting us know. My suggestion for this week would be to pray to God and ask Him to let you know in a way that only He could that He loves you. Some sort of sign or token just for you.

Don't forget to give gratitude when he does. If you do something for your children and one thanks you and one doesn't, which child do you want to give and do more for?
I had a friend read this and he said he tried it and it was very hard for him because he felt he was "sign seeking."
I asked him if he had a relationship with his father on earth where he could ask him for help and support and ask his father to show him how he loved my friend. He said "no." I asked if he had a spouse that he could ask to tell him how she loved him. He said, he didn't feel he could. So, I explained that since he had no reference to having someone close enough on earth to give him that unconditional love and someone that would "Show" him how he was loved, it was difficult to ask his Heavenly Father to show him he is loved.
This is not seeking a sign. This is a child asking a parent to reassure them of His love. If my daughter asked me to show her I loved her, I would do ANYTHING I could to show and tell her I love her. How much more does our Heavenly father know and love us? I hope you take this challenge and that you post a little note saying how God let you know He loves you!
Here is another favorite "Jimmy Eat World" song: "Hear you me."
God sees you and "I see you" to quote Avatar. And, I leave you with a line from the above song: "May Angels Lead you In."
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