Even though the kids had to drag the zip-line back up the dunes for the next rider, they didn't see

Blogger uses cookies. I CAN'T REPLY TO COMMENTS - Please Comment on my YouTube channel videos! I am blessed. I believe these blessings come from sharing what I have with others & by giving gratitude for what I have. I also let God know my needs and wants. Any loving Father wants his children to have their needs and wants met. I believe God is my loving Father in Heaven, and I hope to use this blog to share the information I have with others in that we may both be blessed from it.
The memories of camping are for the most part wonderful. We enjoy sitting around the campfire hearing stories of my dad's life. So many times he has had crazy situations while camping or hiking. It amazes me that he has survived all these years. Just this week, he had my oldest in the 4 wheel and there was a huge crevice in the road in the center that he came upon and didn't see. It came down to the fact that his hitch caught on a rock and saved them as they were heading in and he had to use his winch to get them out. It traumatized my eldest Princess and she came in as I was typing this post to tell me that she thought grandpa was getting to be a scary driver and perhaps she shouldn't ride with him anymore. I laughed and showed her the post from a few days ago where I wrote about looking out the window and seeing nothing but the bottom of a canyon.
I am GRATEFUL for my dad who pushes the limits of his environment and creativity who makes our lives exciting and fun but has kept us safe as well. The memories have lasted my lifetime and now my children's as well.
Thanks Dad, Grandpa, we love you!
I have never made Kettle Corn. I have eaten it at events before but had never tried to make it at home. I like my coconut oil popcorn so this one was new to me.
He pulled some hot coals from the fire and placed them on the side and made them flat. He placed 1/4 cup of butter, 1/4 cup of sugar, and 1/2 cup of popcorn kernels into the wok. He shook the pan gently over the coals and in about 2 minutes, the pan was popping away at an even pace. It was so interesting to me. I tried years ago to use "Jiffy Pop" over the fire but much of the popcorn burnt before the rest of the kernels popped and once it is open, you can't pop it anymore.
My brother suggested that you buy a used wok at a store or yard sale and keep it just for camping popcorn. I can see the wisdom in that as my guess is the bottom will bet rather black being used in the fire.
We pulled out a bowl and I got some cups out and we all enjoyed eating the popcorn around the fire. My nephew took over on the last of the three batches that we made and he didn't shake it as much and the sugar got a bit burnt so if you are making this at home or on the camp fire, I suggest that you keep it moving. I think I may try this at home with some cinnamon on it and use coconut oil rather than the butter to see if I can get it to taste like coconut popcorn as I like it that way.
I will let you know how it works out. I know they have several flavors for sale at events so I will need to find and try some recipes. I hope you all had a great Easter.
When I am posting my blog or working on the computer, I can't tell you how many times I will finish and hit "publish post" and look at the clock and it is 11:11 or 1:11.
Over the years we have taken photos and sent them to eachother. I would post the picture of the other car odometer but my daughter has it on her camera and I forgot to take it off. I also searched but I have so many pictures on the computer and back up drives and couldn't find them as I don't label most individual pictures but store them by date.
I usually just take it as an angelic sign but I am sure there is someone out there who can explain this as I have met many people over the years who say they have this happen to them all the time as well. So, does anyone know enough about numerology to explain why this situation occurs so often in our lives? If you do, please post and share.
For now, I just take it as a sign that God is thinking of me and I should remember him. I think that because in the dream book I like, the number one states: "New beginnings, Oneness with God, Eternal." The number three, (three ones add up to three and it states that if there is more than one number, you add them all together and look at the total number) Three means: "Trinity, dream has a spiritual message. Mind-body-spirit unity."
Also, this year, October will have 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays & 5 Saturdays.This happens only once every 823 years. These particular years are known as Moneybag years."
So, if you happen to look at the clock or see 1:11 this week, take it as a sign that Heavenly Father is thinking of you or perhaps he has a message he is trying to get to you. Perhaps that he loves you! Wouldn't it be cool if this week you found money (Trust in him) and saw 1:11! I hope you do!